Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Ch.10. The Letter - part.1

The next day, Ruby, Fang and Midnight arrive at Golden Forests School.

Midnight: I wonder which class I should go to today...!

Ruby: I might also go to a different class today. I'm going to avoid Mrs. Redleafs class!

Midnight: What's wrong with her class?

Ruby: She's taking the class on a field trip today.

Midnight: To where?

Ruby: Rainbow Waterfalls...!

Midnight: You mean the place where the Deep Sea Creatures used to live before the UnMythics drove them out?

Ruby: That would be the place... Have you been there before? It gives me shivers thinking that our old water friends used to live there... even if we never knew them.

Midnight: Yeah. Fair enough. Maybe you could visit Mrs. Breeze's class? She teaches spelling, but the chairs are really comfy!

Ruby: Maybe... We'll wait and see!

Ruby and Midnight said goodbye to each other before going to different classes. After a while, Ruby enters a room. The Bunny drama teacher looks up from some books and smiles to Ruby.

Mrs. Fernstream: Welcome dear child! I haven't seen you before, if I'm not mistaken?

Ruby: Yup! First time setting foot in this class. I'm Ruby!

Mrs. Fernstream: And I'm Fernstream. Mrs. Fernstream.

Ruby leans against the wall and waits for other students to enter. After a while, the bell rings and students started rushing in. After a while, Mrs. Fernstream called for attention.

Mrs. Fernstream: Hello class! Today we shall be learning the play of "Poisoned Love"! I need a volunteer to play as the devious Vampire Ella, and I need someone to play as Prince Liam.

Many hands waved around to be picked. Ruby was mystified.

Mrs. Fernstream: Nicky will play as Ella, and Liam as... well, Prince Liam. Next, I need someone to play as the Lord of the Vampires, and someone to play as King George!

Ruby: (thinking) Lord of the Vampires? Isn't it just Vampire Lord? And what sort of class is this?

Mrs. Fernstream: I want Will to be the Lord of the Vampires and Mickey as King George. Then we need someone to play as Princess Lucy.

Many hands shot up and waved around like a sea of trees.

Mrs Fernstream: Hmm... Sapphire will play as Princess Lucy!

Ruby fearfully looked around for Sapphire. Ruby slowly then made her way to the door. Suddenly, Ruby's arm was grabbed - stopping her from leaving.

Richard: Why are you leaving so early?

Ruby: It isn't nice to grip on ones arm so tightly. Why don't you let me go?

Richard: So you can run off and miss the rest of the class? I don't think so...!

Ruby: You don't want to get into a fight with me...!

Richard: A girl like you couldn't even beat up a spider!

Ruby: Fine. But you're the one who asked for this!

Ruby quickly took hold of his arm and pushed him into the floor. She then pulled him back up and kicked him back down to the floor. She looked around, let go of his arm and ran right out of the room. After some time she slowed down to a walk. Fang popped out of her backpack.

Fang: Did he say "A girl like you couldn't even beat up a spider!"?

Ruby: Yeah. But I could beat you up a thousand times over and still feel good.

Fang: That's nice...!

Ruby: No point going back in that class. Better for us to wait until lunchtime, I guess.

Fang: Do you think Sapphire saw that?

Ruby: How could she miss it? It was practically in front of her face.

Ruby and Fang wait until the bell rang, so they could look for Midnight.


  1. Actually... I think that Sapphire is pretty nice, although I don't really know her from the one previous post. Perhaps it was a misunderstanding. She didn't sound like one who was trying to fool Fang into anything O_O Or perhaps I'm wrong. Let's wait and read... *Dramatic music plays in the background, constantly increasing its volume* MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

    1. I agree - I think that...
      What I was trying to say was...
      It's possible that...
      WILL YOU TURN THAT DRAMATIC MUSIC DOWN!!! thanks, now I can hear myself think.

      I agree - Sapphire might be a nice Kangaroo after all. She might also be a blood thirsty vampire at heart.

      You can turn the music back up now!

  2. So Ruby and Fang entered a classroom that goes against vampires, eh? Ruby sure showed Richard. You go, girl! >:3
