Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Ch.10. The Letter - part.4

After the last class was over, Ruby and Fang meet Midnight on the way to Grandma's house.

Ruby: Midnight... What did you do?

Midnight: What do you mean?

Ruby: Don't act the fool with me! You did something, so tell me what it is that you did!

Midnight: ... Well, you know the pink leopard you told me about yesterday?

Ruby: Yeah...What about her?

Midnight: She insulted me...

Ruby: ... Go on?

Midnight: She said I was a walking disaster - master of chaos and things like that.

Ruby: Shouldn't that be a compliment? Seeing that your a thief and all.

Midnight: Then she said I needed to take a bath.

Ruby: Ok, that makes all the difference.


Ruby: So you robbed from her?

Midnight: No... I robbed from her and all the other girls that agreed with her!

Ruby: You WILL give them back their things tomorrow, wont you?

Midnight: Who said ANYTHING about THAT?

Ruby: I did. If you don't give them their stuff back, this whole mission might fall down on top of us! We will NOT risk something like that JUST BECAUSE someone insulted you!

Midnight: But the M.O.S.T. Guild rules say that if you steal something you never give it back!

Fang pops out of Ruby's Backpack at that moment.

Fang: What's M.O.S.T.?

Midnight: Masters Of Silent Theft.

Ruby: Never heard of it before.

Midnight: Its a secret club for thieves. Don't tell ANYONE about it, ok?

Ruby: Cross my heart and hope to turn into a UnMythic.

Fang: Cross my heart and hope to diet!

Midnight: Good enough.

They arrive at Grandma's house a few minutes later. After a snack, they started talking.

Ruby: What's that letter you got there?

Midnight: Don't know. Sapphire gave it to me, so I didn't ask any questions!

Ruby: Read it aloud.

Midnight: "Mayor Irontail. We had a break in a few days ago, and it seems that something of importance has been taken! The plan will have to be delayed for a few days, but soon the Vampires will feel your rage and they will be driven out like the rest of the creatures! Eventually our scientists and researchers will find a way to decrypt the ancient language that the Dragons spoke. If we"...

Ruby: ... Is there more?

Midnight: There's nothing else written here!

Grandma walked in at that moment.

Grandma: Irontail... I believe that was the name of the captain in the War Journal you found!

Ruby: Maybe... But whoever this is, he or she could be dangerous to us.

Grandma: Meanwhile, you should probably give that to the Vampire Lord. I'm sure he'll want to know about that!

Ruby, Fang and Midnight headed onwards to the Vampire Lord's Mansion.


  1. I love the abbreviated mottos you make (M.O.S.T. in this post).

    Haha. Fang's line. "Hope to diet". I see what you did there! :3

    1. It's harder then you think! And I'm glad you noticed the "Hope to die" turned into "Hope to diet"! XD

  2. Btw, Twinkle. My father sort of, might have, accidentally deleted your comment.

    ... The "Approve" button is just above the "Delete" button, so you could probably say that it was truly a accident. Sorry for the inconvenience! Hope you have a nice day!

  3. wasn't grandma white? or was dat just ruby's bros?


  4. "Cross my heart and hope to diet!" XD i luv fang
