Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Ch.13. Back on track - part.3

After the bell rang, Ruby started to search for Midnight.

Ruby: (thinking) Where on earth is Midnight? He has to be around here somewhere...

Just then, Ruby crashed into Midnight.

Ruby: Midnight! I've got some...

Midnight: Hey Ruby! You will NEVER guess what I found!

Ruby: ...

Midnight: I know where Mayor Irontail lives!

Ruby stared at Midnight in surprise.

Ruby: How did you find THAT out?

Midnight: Well, Mrs. Breeze asked me to... "calm down" Richard and his gang. So I thought stealing EVERYTHING in his and his friends backpacks was a good start!

Ruby: Wait... You were ASKED to do that?

Midnight: Yup! And the reward was no spelling homework!

Ruby: ... Tell me you're kidding...

Midnight: I'm afraid not! Brilliant, isn't it?

Ruby: Midnight, I need to...

Midnight: And guess what I found in one of his friend's backpack!

And so saying so, Midnight showed Ruby a letter.

Ruby: ... What is it?

Midnight: A piece of paper with words on it.

Ruby: I know THAT. But... what does it say?

Midnight: It says...

Ruby: Don't tell me now. We're in the open... But Midnight, I need to...

Midnight: Sorry Ruby! Got to run!

And so saying so, Midnight shoved the letter into Ruby's hands and dashed off without saying another word. A few seconds later, Richard and his gang charged off after him.

Ruby: ... Ask some questions...

Ruby shook her head and slowly went in the other direction. After a while, she arrived at a quiet place and started reading.

Ruby: (reading) "To my favorite nephew, Edward. There have been some serious troubles over in the big city... VAMPIRE troubles. If we don't stop them, who knows what could happen? To make sure it doesn't happen, I want you to keep a secret safe. Are you brave enough for what I'm about to show you? Are you brave enough to fight of Vampires to keep your people safe? I hope you are... From Aunt A."... Who on earth is Aunt A?

Ruby carefully folded the letter and placed it in her pocket.

Ruby: (thinking) Vampire troubles in the big city? Wonder where that could be... And who on earth is this "Aunt A." character?

Just then, Midnight skidded around the corner and dashed over to Ruby.

Ruby: Great news Midnight! We're back on track, partly thanks to you...

Midnight: What do you mean? Who stole the letter? Was it you, a ordinary Vampire? Or was it ME, a trained thief made for stealing the queens jewels and still getting away with it?

Ruby: Your one to talk! You're the one whose been stealing stuff from Victoria's house last night with your "Friends", I believe.

Midnight took a step back, now terrified of Ruby.

Midnight: How did you find out?

Ruby: The whole school should have known it was you by now. Victoria and her friend have been spreading the news like wildfire.

Midnight: But...

Ruby: And now I know why you were being so secretive last night! You didn't want me to find out you were doing what you did best.

Midnight: It's not what it seems like...

Ruby: Oh really...?

Midnight: It's... complicated, Ok? I don't want to talk about it now...

Ruby: Well, until you do feel like it, You can just hang about with your "friends" for a while until I feel like you should come back. Keeping secrets from your partners in a secret mission is not ok...

Ruby turned her back on Midnight and started to walk away.

Midnight: Ruby...

Ruby: Don't say anything Midnight. You've done enough for today.

Ruby turned the corner and out of sight.

Midnight: I've already got enough on my plate without Ruby getting upset with me... But at least she's got something to work on while I'm gone. And besides... It's not like she can become a thief overnight... She's going to need my help whether she likes it or not!

Midnight swiftly dashed through the halls and out of sight.


  1. ...Oh. Well, at least Ruby found out about the truth about Midnight's secret theft. And kicked him out of their secret mission, like I suspected in the last few posts. And, "Aunt A."... At least we know that she is Edward's aunt, but she must be connected to the vampires in some way... Oh, so many questions.

    1. Ruby was probably going to find out eventually, no matter what anyone else said. And Midnight is a Sleeper until she allows him to help her again.

  2. Can i ask a question?

    ok, here goes...

    Can ruby and friends be in my new plush comic, "Pinky's Magic"? It's not up yet, but i kinda want Ruby to be in it. Also, i have her plushie. And i' gonna create another comic about a vampire too, cooled "Nosferatu". (it means vampire in Romanian) Can Ruby also make a cameo? Just asking. and its perfectly fine if its a no.



    1. If you're asking if Ruby can be featured in your comic - no problem! I hope she behaves with your friends! :)

    2. Ok, thank you! I'll make sure she is taken care of.

      Ruby: Yeah right. I'm known for making trouble.

      Me: No your not! I think that's Fang!

      Fang: *eats all of my food*

      Me: FANG!


    3. Can you give me a link to your new plushie blogs please?
