Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Ch.12. Theft or truth - part.2

Midnight - followed closely by Patrick and Griffin - silently ran through the forest until they stopped at a huge house.

Patrick: This the place?

Midnight: Do rabbits hop around yelling twenty seven until a fox falls down then start yelling twenty eight?

Griffin: ... maybe?

Midnight: That's your answer.

Patrick: So you don't even KNOW where we are?

Midnight: Hey! This is a big house! I would ASSUME this is the right place!

Patrick: Doesn't matter how big the house is! Never judge a treasure by its chest!

Griffin flies up into a window and enters the house. After a minute, Griffin unlocks and opens the door for Patrick and Midnight. They walk around for a while until Patrick stops.

Patrick: (whispering) Grab ANYTHING you can get your grubby little mittens on! As long as you can carry it...

Griffin silently flies over into another room and starts grabbing stuff to his liking. Patrick slowly follows him and out of sight. Midnight decides to head upstairs. Halfway up, he hears laughing and sees a bright light.

 Midnight: (thinking) If she's awake I'm going to have a hard time explaining to her...

 Midnight carefully tiptoes his way up the stairs until he sees Victoria and her cat.

Victoria: I feel like I have no one that's worthy to talk to me but you, my sweet Katrina!

Katrina ( pink cat): (Pet talk) I'm not sweet! But you do flatter me by saying that you have no one else to talk to!

Victoria: And I don't understand why that poor black cheetah would want to steal my two hundred dollar bracelet!

Katrina: (Pet talk) Because its made of gold, You fool! Why else would he want it?

Victoria: I won't miss that bracelet, but it's an insult to me when someone takes something that doesn't belong to them.. FROM ME!!! Do you know how I feel, kitty? Do you know who did this?

Katrina: (Pet talk) No, I don't know how you feel. And don't call me kitty!

Victoria suddenly looked up and saw Midnight trying to back away. She screamed so loud Midnight thought Ruby and Fang could hear it back at the training area! After a while she stopped screaming.

Midnight: Now that you have calmed down, let me explain.

Victoria: Don't harm me, angry zombie pirate! I promise I won't make fun of you ever again!!!

Midnight: What? Angry zombie pirates? No, no! You got it all wrong! I'm here to tell you something important!

Victoria: So you're NOT going to take away my sweet little kitty? Or eat her tail?

Midnight: Why would I do that?

Victoria: Because it might be tasty?

Midnight: ... Anyway... I'm here to tell you something important!

Victoria: Hey, weren't you the one who took my two hundred dollar bracelet?


Victoria: Well? Were you?

Midnight: Sigh... will you let me explain if I tell you the truth?

Victoria: Maybe.

Midnight: ... No. I didn't take your bracelet.

Victoria: Ok, now what is it that you want to tell me?

Midnight: Finally... Well, three guys are in your house and they are stealing some stuff that may or may not be valuable to you... And if you find out, they may...

Victoria: ... May what?

Midnight: They may... kill you... And that's not good! So I need you to stay here until dawn! Do you understand?

Victoria: ... Yes.

Midnight: Phew... I'm glad... If they come up here, pretend to be asleep or hide somewhere, ok?

Victoria: Ok.

Midnight silently tiptoed downstairs where he found Patrick and Griffin waiting for him.

Patrick: (whispering) Where did you go? What was that screaming?

Midnight: (whispering) Upstairs. Found the girl awake so I had to unalive her... and then I stole her bracelet! Looked like it costs about two hundred dollars.

Patrick: (whispering) Boys, our work is done for tonight! Let's head back to the club hideout and sell this stuff!

Patrick quickly exited the house, with Griffin and Midnight close behind.


  1. O.O Hmm... After reading this post, I think that Midnight is good, and not good- at the same time. He is good because he saved Victoria's life in his own strange way- and not good because it isn't good to lie. Phew, at least he saved her life though. If he didn't, I'm a little afraid that it might, by chance, MIGHT ruin Ruby and his mission for the Vampire Lord... And that's not good. Oh no.

    1. Midnight is a good liar (as you could tell), and I think he thinks they wont find out. Do you really think that Patrick and Griffin are going to ask the Vampire Lord if they could join Midnight on the Golden Forests school mission and find her still alive?

      And Midnight is probably hoping that Ruby will never find out. But we'll wait and see! :)

    2. Actually... I didn't mean that Patrick and Griffin will find Victoria alive. I was just saying that, eventually, just by one tiny, little chance, somebody might find out that he was lying all along- be it a vampire or an UnMythic. And that might, by chance, ruin his mission for the Vampire Lord. Now that I think of it, Victoria, being a pampered, "I-own-it-all" girl with other girls like her as friends, would probably tell the whole, WHOLE school about the incident with Midnight in no time. And Ruby might find out as well, and... well, the best and most positive is that they would both remain together in the mission and continue as normal, but there is also the worst chance that it would break their cover being undercover vampires. Oh no...

  2. WAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!! Midnight, you fool!!!!! They might see her be "alive", and kill her, and then cast u out!!!!!!!! Or worse....Unalive u... RUN AS FAST AS U CAN TO PLUSHIBAA!!!!!! (where my plushes live) THEY CAN TAKE CARE OF U!!!!!!!!! Once they defeat the phantoms, of course. Big battle going on.


    1. Do you think they would welcome a Vampire thief with open arms with a smile and not notice their stuff has gone walkies? :)

  3. Explain, plz? I don't understand, sorry.

