Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Ch.11. Do you know which end of the sword to hold on to? - part.1

Ruby, Fang and Midnight entered the Vampire Lord's meeting room and began to wait for the Vampire Lord.

Fang: When do you think he'll show up?

Ruby: From experience, it doesn't take that long.

Just after Ruby finished her sentence, there was a crash of thunder and lightning and the Vampire Lord appeared in a puff of smoke. As usual.

Fang: Do you always make a entrance like that?

Ruby: Don't sound so disrespectful!

Vampire Lord: No, I don't always make a grand appearance... but it is the polite thing to do.

Fang: I guess.

Ruby: You might want to read this letter before we head off for some more training!

Midnight gives the letter to the Vampire Lord. After a few minutes, he looks up from the letter.

Vampire Lord: This is more serious than I thought. If this "Mayor Irontail" really wants to drive us out, we may have no choice...

Midnight: ... No choice in what?

Vampire Lord: It is nothing. You should hurry along to your next training session.

Ruby: Fang, go home.

Fang: But I want to come with you this time!

Ruby: Fang, you are hard to see and you could easily get stepped on. Besides, you would just whine all the time and keep on asking "When are we going to eat?"! So no.

Midnight: Do you think he'll find his way home?

Ruby: If he doesn't, we can always replace him.

Fang: I'm still here!

Ruby: Good. You can start going home now.

Ruby and Midnight headed towards the training grounds. After a few minutes of walking around, Captain Slash spots them and stomps towards them.

Slash: Just the two I'm looking for!

Midnight: Did we do something wrong?

Slash: Yes! You were meant to arrive an hour ago!

Midnight: This is our second time coming! Do you expect us to know who's who, what's what, and wheres where in about A DAY?!


Midnight: Well, yeah! That's how communication works!

Slash: Don't answer back, boy! You will train FOR AN HOUR longer than yesterday as punishment!

Captain Slash whistled and Melody came flying over and saluted to him. Captain Slash stormed off to see to something else.

Melody: What was that all about?

Ruby: Being a little late. We had to report something to the Vampire Lord, so we couldn't get here at lightning speed.

Melody: You got to see the Vampire Lord? And TALK with him?

Ruby: Yeah. Were both on a mission for him, so it's only right for us to report to him after we come back from spying!

Melody: You are so lucky! I tried to get into a mission, but I have a overprotective Father AND a younger sister stopping me from doing so. Do you guys have any siblings?

Ruby: Older twin brothers.

Midnight: Can we stop talking and start training?

Melody: Sorry if I'm just a curious bird - can't be helped!

Ruby: You seem a bit on edge Midnight. What's wrong with you?

Midnight: How do you know if I seem a bit on edge? I'M PERFECTLY NORMAL.

Ruby: Something tells me you don't always act like that.

Midnight: Can we PLEASE start training?

Melody: Come this way! I need to show you a some sword fighting techniques!

Ruby and Midnight follow Melody.


  1. Hmm... Midnight does seem really... err.... Well, let's just say 'angry'. No, 'angry' is an understatement. 'Furious' is what he is. No, it's 'extremely infuriated'. However, to me, he does seem to have quite a habit of getting angry easily though, from how he stole all the girls' things just because they insulted him, hehe.


    From the way Ruby said: "Something tells me you don't always act like that.", I'm started to worry that he was... REPLACED? Oh no... *Takes out a pair of drum-playing sticks and starts playing dramatic music on invisible instruments*

    1. *grabs microphone and yells into it* TURN DOWN THE INVISIBLE MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS!!!

      ... Ok, that's better.

      Just wait and see my friend. Wait and see. >:)

      Ok! You start playing the invisible instruments now!

    2. Wow! nice post! Long name...
      At least it really tells you what's gonna happen! Yay!

  2. @ beginning of post (Ruby and Midnight towards Fang):
    Harsh much?! O.o

    1. Ruby has a strange way of saying "I love you" to Fang. She doesn't mean any harm to Fang - just protecting him.
