Thursday, January 29, 2015

Ch.14. Midnight makes amends - part.1

Before the bell rang again, Midnight dashed out of the school and back to the Vampire Village. After some weaving in alleyways and dark streets, he arrived at the M.O.S.T. meeting club.

Stella: Midnight! You're back early.

Midnight: I am?

Stella: You usually get here AFTER night fall. Not before.

Midnight: Well... I'm just tired. I wanted to take a break before heading back out there again!

Stella: Suit yourself... Want something?

Midnight: ... Yeah. Maybe something to drink.

Stella: Do you want Lemon Crush, Summer Bomb, or would you like today's special?

Midnight: Today's special?

Stella: Fire fruit smoothie.

Midnight thought for a minute before answering.

Midnight: ... Yeah. I'll take the special.

Stella: You want anything with that?

Midnight: Got any Vanilla cream?

Stella: I got most things, I believe...

Stella took some bottles down from the shelf and started mixing the drinks together. After a while, she stopped stirring and poured in a cream that smelled as good as it looked. Stella then handed over the drink to Midnight.

Midnight: Thanks, Stella.

Midnight slowly drank the delicious water and cream.

Stella: So... did you do anything interesting today?

Midnight stopped drinking and looked at Stella, almost sadly.

Midnight: I did something wrong last night...

Stella: Yeah. Stealing stuff from a poor girl.

Midnight: She wasn't THAT poor...

Stella: I was joking. I knew she wasn't poor. From the sounds of it, she was the "Richest girl in the world".

Midnight: Anyway... I lied to a... lets say... a "friend"...

Stella looked at Midnight, now interested.

Stella: Lying is part of a thieves job. Why is there a raincloud over you in this case?

Midnight: Well... shes kinda a... "Working partner", if I'm going to be honest...

Stella: So you have a job?

Midnight: What? No! Never going to get a job, even if I WANTED one... but...

Stella: ... But...?

Midnight: Well... I guess you could call it a "Mission"... but...

Stella: You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.

Midnight: Oh, I want to tell you... but... If you tell anyone, I could be kicked out... out of M.O.S.T, I mean...

Stella: I cross my heart and hope to turn into a thief I wont tell!

Midnight smiled at Stella then drank the rest of his fruity drink.

Midnight: Well... I'm kinda on a mission for the... Vampire Lord...

Stella sighed and gently took his cup away and started cleaning it.

Stella: Why would you want to work for the Vampire Lord if you're already working for M.O.S.T?

Midnight: It's... quite a story...

Stella: Don't be ashamed, Midnight... You're brave enough to even SPEAK of working for the Vampire Lord, let alone actually DOING IT...

Midnight: But I don't understand why everyone in M.O.S.T. is afraid of the Vampire Lord... He rules this Village...

Stella: The answer is right in front of you, Midnight... The Vampire Lord rules this forest... and everything in it... He accepts stealing as a little kids game, but killing is something he won't have... If he finds out the club you're in does that... You could all be thrown into the dungeons.

Midnight stayed silent. Stella sighed again and put down the cup.

Midnight: How much do I owe you? And don't say that was one the house. I KNOW how little money you got...

Stella: ... Four fifty five, please.

Midnight searched through his pockets until he found the money he needed to pay, then gave it to Stella. She shoved the money under the counter.

Midnight: Well... I best be off...

Stella: Well... if you must...

Midnight looked back at Stella as he left the secret club, and back into the Vampire streets.


  1. I love, love, LOVE the sound of the title. Sounds like Midnight's going to act better soon! :D

  2. Midnight's a vampire, right?


    1. ok, thx! BTW, ur blogs r amazing! i wish i could be as good as u! :-)

