Sunday, February 1, 2015

Ch.14. Midnight makes Amends - part.2

Midnight runs over to Grandma's house and bangs on the door. The door is opened by Kevin and Devin.

Midnight: Is Ruby's Grandma at home?

Kevin: We don't know... Why do you care?

Midnight: Well... I need some potions!

Devin: Why do you need potions from her? That's what the night market is for.

Midnight: The night markets potions don't work! And it's not even night-time!

Kevin: Well, sorry. We can't help you. Come back next week.

Midnight: I DON'T HAVE TIME...

Before Midnight could finish his sentence, Kevin and Devin banged the door closed.

Midnight: ... for next week...

Midnight sighed and started running in the direction he had come from and into the forest. After a long time of running, he reached the edge of the forest and saw green fields as far as the eye could see.

Midnight: (thinking) The Village must be here somewhere...

Midnight took a deep breath and started to run through the grassy fields. After a while, he saw what seemed like a abandoned Village. He kept on running until he reached it.

Midnight: (thinking) DarkRiver Village... The only Village that acts like they're ghosts.

Midnight quickly dashed through the village until he stops at a smaller house. He knocks at the door.

Midnight: Open up, Boo! I know you're in there!

The door mysteriously opens and Midnight enters. Suddenly, someone lands on Midnight and pins him to the floor.

Midnight: Boo. Get off me. It's not funny anymore.

Boo (black fox): Sorry! I thought you were... you know.

The black fox quickly lets go of Midnight, and he gets up.

Midnight: You thought I was a UnMythic ghost hunter?

Boo: Yup! After all, we do have a reputation to keep up!

Midnight: So I've heard...

Boo: ... Anyway... Why are you here?

Midnight: Well... It's a long story... but to make things quick, I need to find "Mayor Irontail" who happens to live in the "Big City"...

Boo: Big City? Oh! You must be talking about Sunbeam Shores! The biggest city in all the Island!

Midnight: You know where it is?

Boo: About a day's journey by foot.

Midnight: Bother! I need to be there BY TONIGHT!!! There HAS to be another way!

Boo: Well... A few days journey by foot... But by sea, its only an hour and half away!

Midnight: Brilliant! Let's go!

Boo: Right now?

Midnight: YES.

Boo: Let me AT LEAST pack a few things first!

Midnight: ...

Boo picked up a small bag and shoved a few things in it.

Boo: Ok! I'm ready!

Boo silently ran out the door with Midnight by his side.


  1. Whoa... Boo's house looks like he's another expert potion maker, besides Ruby's Grandmother, although they are from different villages... Wait, is Boo a vampire too? ...And Mayor Irontail... You know, I have a feeling that Mayor Irontail IS Aunt A. from Edward's letter! Ooo...

    1. Yes. Boo is a Vampire. But like most new characters, we don't know much about them. The only thing that we really see is their surroundings. Boo could be a potion maker, or he could have someone from his family that makes potions instead!

  2. Wow! This is crazy good! I'm rely impressed.... anyways, when i get my comic set up, could u help meh promote it? all i have to do is fix my dens and get my membership back....

