Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Ch.16 Sapphire joins the team - part.2

Ruby follows Midnight to Mrs. Breeze's class where the strange teacher warmly greets them. They both took seats near each other as Mrs. Breeze started the class.

Midnight: (whispering) Spelling may be boring, but at least the chairs are nice.

Ruby: (whispering) Indeed.

Half an hour drags by as the spelling lesson continues. Fang, who happened to sneak out of Ruby's backpack once again, saw Sapphire pass the spelling class door.

Fang: (thinking) It's time Ruby and Sapphire met face to face! And maybe Ruby will give me a sandwich if I do a good job!

Fang jumps down from Ruby's backpack and scurries across the middle of the class floor and looks back at Ruby.

Fang: (in loud voice) This is too boring! I'm going out for an adventure to find some legendary sandwiches! I hope no one watching me while I secretly escape this dull classroom full of students that could step on me!

Ruby looked like she was about to explode as she saw Fang make his way to the door. She looked at the teacher then back at Fang.

Ruby: I... need to be excused for a minute or two...

Ruby quietly walks out the door, but at the second she steps into the hall way, she starts running towards Fang at top speeds.


Fang turns a corner and Ruby follows close behind. Just as she turns, Ruby sees Sapphire holding Fang. They both look up at Ruby.

Fang: Sapphire, you must know that this charming red kangaroo is also on the same team with Midnight!

Sapphire: Really?

Fang: Yes! In fact I'll introduce you!

Fang jumped down from Sapphire's hand and scurried over to Ruby, who was frozen in fear.

Fang: Sapphire, meet Ruby, Your fourth cousin once removed! Ruby, meet your favorite UnMythic cousin, Sapphire!

Sapphire stared at Ruby for a while before she moved closer.

Sapphire: Well... I must say that... This is a surprise, If I'm going to be honest...

Ruby: ...

Sapphire: ... And we haven't seen each other for SO LONG... so let me do this...

Sapphire leaped onto Ruby and they started to fight. Just then, Midnight showed up.

Midnight: Ruby! I've...

Sapphire looks up from fighting Ruby and glares at Midnight.

Midnight: Oh... I see that you two are busy... so...

Sapphire: I've got some questions for you...

Midnight: Well... I'm a little busy right now...

Sapphire: Why didn't you tell me my fourth cousin once removed was on the same mission! And you never told me you and Fang were Vampires!

Fang: I'm not a Vampire. Just a Everwinter forest spider!

Sapphire: ... Fang told me that you were dream creatures from another world!

Fang: I never said such things.

Ruby: Stop lying, Fang.

Sapphire looked at Fang, then at Midnight. Finally, she looked at Ruby.

Sapphire: ... Why didn't you say the truth?

Ruby: Because I knew you hated Vampires, but... If you don't help us, we will all die!

Sapphire looked at Midnight.

Midnight: It's true! In nine days, Mayor Irontail will launch her secret weapon on ALL Vampires!

Sapphire: ... I do hate Vampires, but less than you think... Yes, I don't like you... but all creatures deserve to live in peace! Even Vampires...

Ruby, Fang and Midnight look hopefully at Sapphire.

Sapphire: ... Is Great great great Grandma still alive?

Ruby: Yup. Making potions even better then you last saw her!

Sapphire: ... I want to see her.

Fang: Why?

Sapphire: I want to talk to her about something... If I like my answer, I'll join the team... Even if you're not my favorite creatures...

Ruby & Midnight: Deal!

Fang: Sandwiches!

Ruby picks up Fang and looks at him closely.

Ruby: Fang... The next time you escape from my backpack and go off "exploring", I will personally get my baseball bat and hit you with it. If that doesn't work, you, I will put Spider poison in your sandwiches... if THAT doesn't work... I will put you in my lunchbox and never let you out...

Fang: ... They don't call me Fang Houdini for nothing!

Ruby shakes her head and shoves Fang back down into her backpack. Ruby and Midnight quickly run back to Mrs. Breeze's class, and Sapphire slowly walks over to her class.


  1. Oh, Fang. You and your mischief. :3

    Ooh, conflict! :o

  2. HOLD ON....

    STELLA IS MAYOR IRONTAIL!!!!! Her sepaking in Midnight makes Amends part something-or-other was orange, so....yeah........


    1. Stella is a bartender at the M.O.S.T. meeting club underground a Vampire Village. and The Mayor lives in a big city... It would be A REALLY BIG SURPRISE if Stella is Mayor Irontail, but you have to remember the "Aunt A." in the letter a while back...

      Great headcannon, though!

    2. Thunx u vury much. Perhaps Stella has something to do with it, or (WARNING: CROSSOVER HEADCANNON AHEAD!) some other plush from another comic is there, like from cupcake friends or maggie's life! AHHHHHHH! (after all, in some TV show i saw, the boss of this secret organization and also the main villains, was just a boy. like, 7-8 or something. WOW...)

  3. YAY! Sapphire :) ...Wait, Does Sapphire actually know about Grandma Deathdancer? ...And I'm pretty surprised that she knows that her fourth cousin once removed is a vamparoo named Ruby... Oh well! Great post :D

    1. Ruby and Sapphire are fourth cousins once removed... meaning they have the same great great great Grandma. And Ruby and Sapphire have known each other for... a long time...
