Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Ch.18 Party time! - part.2

Later that evening, Ruby and Midnight arrived at Sapphire's house and get greeted by Sapphire.

Sapphire: Glad you came to the party! Would have been a shame if you didn't come!

Midnight: I didn't have a...

Ruby punches Midnight's shoulder and smiles at Sapphire.

Ruby: We're happy to be here! Isn't that right, Midnight?

Midnight: (trying to hide pain) Yes... happy...

Fang: Is there any sandwiches?

Sapphire: Yes. I also have pizza, popcorn, donuts, cake, and a lot of other tasty things to eat!

Midnight: Nothing cinnamon related?

Sapphire: Just for you guys.

Ruby: Glad you care about us.

Just then, Sapphire's mother showed up beside them.

 Tulip: Good evening, kids! I couldn't help overhearing about your cinnamon food conversation... what was that about, if I may be so bold to ask?

Ruby: Well...

Sapphire: My two friends here, Rosy and Marcus are both allergic to cinnamon... so I thought it would be nice if we just removed cinnamon type foods from the list all together! No one gets sick, everyone is happy!

Midnight: I'm not...

Ruby punches Midnight on the arm again.

Ruby: Be quiet, Marcus...

Sapphire smiles sweetly at her mother before she grabs Ruby and Midnight by the arm. Sapphire drags them outside and away from the noise.

Midnight: What was that about?

Sapphire: If I told my mum Ruby's name, she would instantly think I invited the species that... did something to my father...

Ruby puts a hand on Sapphire's shoulder, trying to comfort her.

Sapphire: ... And besides. Would you REALLY want my mother to know your real names?

Midnight: ... Yeah, I guess you're right.

Ruby: Lets just try to have fun, shall we? I mean... what could go wrong?

There was a sudden scream from inside the house and the sound of someone jumping on a sick cat.

 Ruby: ... That's the LAST TIME I say "what could go wrong"!

Ruby dashes indoors to see Fang eating a sandwich and bouncing away from some kids on a piano. More screams sounded as Fang landed on the floor and dashed towards Ruby.

Fang: (eating sandwich) SAVE ME!!!

Ruby sighs and grabs Fang and returns outside to Midnight and Sapphire.

Ruby: Fang, what on earth were you thinking?

Fang: (eating sandwich) I was thinking having a sandwich was a great idea because I was starving!

Ruby: But you ate before we left! How can you be hungry?

Fang: You're forgetting its me we're talking about.

Midnight: He's got a point.

Ruby: You're not helping, Midnight...

Midnight grins at Ruby and rubs his shoulder.

Sapphire: ... Anyway. We're going to put on music any minute now... want to watch?

Ruby: I guess... as long as Fang stays here and out of sight.

Sapphire: I'll make sure to get a plateful of sandwiches for him then.

Sapphire goes back indoors and through the crowd of kids. A few minutes later, some rock music started to sound and cheers rose up from the chatter. Ruby shrugs and goes inside, and Midnight follows. They move closer to Sapphire.

Midnight: Smashing party you got going there!

Sapphire: Rock n' Roll is the best kind of music! Its loud, exciting, and awesome!

Ruby: So I've heard.

Sapphire stared out at the kids dancing for a while before grinning at Midnight.

Sapphire: Come on, Midnight! You and I need to dance!

And so saying so, Sapphire grabbed Midnight by the hand and spun him around towards the dance floor. If anyone was watching, they would have thought it was Romeo and Juliet all over again. Ruby just leaned back on the wall and watched as the roaring music pounded her ears.

Ruby: (thinking) This isn't what I would call a relaxing evening, but at least Sapphire's enjoying herself... and I bet Midnight's having the time of his life!

After a few songs finished, Sapphire and Midnight came back to Ruby. 

Ruby: Enjoyed your date?

Midnight: That wasn't a date!

Sapphire: Date or not, I enjoyed myself!

Midnight: ...

Sapphire: ... Cheer up, Midnight! No one likes mister grumpy.

Ruby: Well... we should probably go soon.

Sapphire: How come?

Ruby: Me and Midnight need to train for the upcoming war... so we can at least protect ourselves if we are ever attacked!

Sapphire: Even the sun sets in paradise... I guess I should let you guys go...

Ruby: At least I can say I had a great time at your birthday party!

Midnight: Speaking of which, how old are you today?

Sapphire: A girl should never reveal her age to boys. Or anyone, at that matter.

Midnight: Fine...

Ruby: See you at school, then?

Sapphire: There's no school tomorrow! It's a day off!

Ruby: Well... will we see you anyway?

Sapphire: Yup! I'll drop by at your house sometime at noon.

Ruby: Ok!

Ruby hugs Sapphire then waves her goodbye and leaves the house and into the night air. Midnight retrieves Fang and follows after her.


  1. LOL! Who ships Saphight? (Saphire and Midnight) LOL i do. Anyhoo, this was, once again, a GRRRR-EAT post! And, side Ruby's in Cupcake's blog as well, does that whole thing take place AFTER this "M.O.S.T."ly (see what i did there?) crazy yet fang-tastic (see again? :-) ) adventure! BTW, visit me on AJ, and we can chat! I promise i'm not an imposter, i just got a google+ account.
    :-P :-)


    1. I'll see what I can do to make time to chat to you on AJ. You can probably Jamagram me (My user is Applestorm) and I'll know its you!

      And yes, I did see what you did there. Very funny! XD

  2. Why is Ruby friends with Sapphire? I mean, Sapphire just started fighting her a few posts earlier. Why would Ruby be friends with someone who tried to beat her up? Even If the person trying to fight the other was an old friend.

    1. perhaps thats how sapphire is. and seeing how ruby treats fang, she prob likes it

    2. Remember in Ch.16 Sapphire joins the team part 3 Ruby explains to Midnight that They were both best friends, even if they came from two different worlds? They were once friends until Tulip (Sapphire's mother) banned Sapphire from seeing Ruby and taught her to hate Vampires...

      I believe Sapphire missed being with Ruby, besides the fact that she was brought up to hate Vampires since that day... Of course, she was angry at Ruby for hiding from her for the past week, but probably forgave her in Ch.17 Dragon food quest part 3.

      And Ruby was just SCARED that Sapphire would remember her and they would just start fighting all over again... I don't believe friends should fight, even if they haven't talked to each other for a long time (weeks, years, decades... doesn't matter. It was a LONG time).
