Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Ch.15 You're right... - part.1

After classes, Ruby said goodbye to Buttercup and went home to Grandma. She opened the door and was greeted by Kevin and Devin.

Ruby: Hello Kevin, Devin.

Kevin & Devin: Hi.

Ruby: Do you know where Grandma is?

Kevin: That's the second time we were asked that today!

Ruby: What do you mean...?

Devin: Sometime around lunchtime a black cheetah knocked at the door and asked us where Grandma was.

Ruby: And...?

Kevin: We replied that we didn't knew and told him to go to the night markets.

Ruby: But its not even night...

Devin: He said the exact same thing to us! We told him we couldn't help him, so he left.

Ruby: Are you sure you didn't close the door on him?

Kevin & Devin: Why would we do that?

Ruby: Um... never-mind...

Ruby ran out the door and crashed into Midnight.

Ruby: Midnight! What are you doing here?

Midnight: Giving you some important information. Mayor Irontail is planning to launch their secret weapon on the Vampires in ten days.

Ruby: TEN DAYS?!

Midnight: Yes. Ten days.

Ruby: Wait... When did you find this out? And HOW?

Midnight: I have my connections. And I happened to have some "free time" on my hands.

Ruby: We should report this to the Vampire Lord!

Midnight: Well... I would if I could... but you put me off the team until you thought I should come back, remember?

Ruby: Oh... yeah... I forgot...

Midnight: ...Oh well. Have fun reporting and training!

Midnight turns around and runs to the Village center. Just then, Grandma walks outside to Ruby.

Grandma: What did he do...?

Ruby: Well... he did something behind my back last night.

Grandma: Like what...?

Ruby: He went into a rich UnMythics house last night with some other thieves like him, I guess...

Grandma: And you were mad at him for not telling you?

Ruby: Yeah. Why wouldn't I be? We're partners... we need to tell each other everything!

Grandma: Would you tell him your deepest secret?

Ruby: No! That's... well... a secret. He wouldn't understand...

Grandma: ...And I bet Midnight would think the same thing if someone asked him that. There are just some things you can't tell friends. Respect that, Ruby.

Grandma walked back inside, leaving Ruby alone.

Ruby: ... Grandma's right. I over reacted to Midnight... He just broke into someones house and stole a few things... It's natural for a thief to do that...

Ruby sighs and starts making the walk to the Vampire Lord's mansion.


  1. Yay, 1st comment!!!! BTW, i am making an LPS channel and AJ channel on vimeo soon. (its not up yet grrrrr) It has funny videos (like one that has batman and robin fighting lol) and i hope u will watch my AJ stuff. GTG bye!


  2. Hmm... Sounds to me like Ruby is going to let Midnight back into the mission soon! ...However, I'm not really sure if that's a good idea... Hanging out with a highly-trained thief from M.O.S.T, well... I'm a little worried about what's going to happen to Ruby. AND her family. AND her friends. AND everybody who she knows. Hmm...

    1. Ruby is regretting her choice of putting Midnight off the team (even if it is for a short while), but like you said, it might not be the best choice to let him back in. We also know Midnight hasn't told Ruby about where he goes and such... We'll just wait and see what happens!
