Monday, February 2, 2015

Ch.14. Midnight makes Amends - part.3

Midnight swiftly follows Boo through the village until they reach a boat. Midnight quickly gets in and Boo follows. Before they could leave, they hear and yell and look up. A purple fox runs at top speeds towards them.

Boo: Oh no... Not Hex!

The purple fox stops at the boat where Midnight and Boo were in.

Hex (purple fox): I want to come with you!

Boo: Hex, you're too young to come with us!

Hex: No I'm not! Mum says I'm old enough to go with you! And besides, you PROMISED me you would take me on your next boat trip!

Boo: This is IMPORTANT, sis! We don't need you to ruin Midnight's mission! And how did YOU know we were going?

Hex: I heard you talking. You REALLY need to fix that hole in the wall... On second thought, Don't! I can keep spying on you if you don't fix it!

Boo: What if a ghost hunter runs into the Village while we're gone? You'll miss a "GREAT" game of Hide and go shriek!

Hex: I'm not falling for that trick again, Boo. No one EVER comes to our Village anymore!

Boo sighs and looks at Hex straight in the eye.

Boo: ... if you come, you have to do EXACTLY what I say...

Hex: DEAL!

Hex jumps into the boat with Midnight and Hex, and they started sailing off. The waves sloshed and twirled about into each other as the boat sliced through them. After what seemed like hours, they start to see tall buildings ahead. Boo ties the boat up near the forest and they run towards the city. After a while, they reach the end of the forest.

Midnight: How well do you know the place?

Boo: Well enough to know where the biggest restaurants, clubs and schools are... The Mayor's building is right in the middle of all that city chaos...

Hex: ... Midnight?

Midnight: Yeah?

Hex: Why do you want to come here?

Midnight: ... I made a mistake last night... and I want to make it right.

Boo darts into the city with Midnight and Hex at his side. They dashed through the dirty streets and through the crowds of the afternoon. After some time, Boo stops at a big building.

Boo: I got a tip that mayor Irontail was visiting this school for inspection...

Midnight: Anything I should know?

Boo: If I knew, I would tell you.

Midnight: ... I better go in alone.

Hex: No! I want to come with you!

Boo: Hex, he's FINE on his own. And besides, you would just get in the way.

Hex: What if they find him?

Boo: With any luck, they won't know he's in there.

Hex: But what if he gets caught?

Boo: With any luck they won't catch him.

Midnight: And knowing me, I won't take no for an answer.

Midnight entered the school and started to blend in with the students. For a while, he searched high and low with no luck. Just as he was about to give up, he heard whispering through the wall. He stopped to listen.

Strange voice: (from behind wall) Are you sure it's not a misunderstanding?

Strange voice: (from behind wall) Yes. Vampires have been sighted in Snowy Hill and MoonFlower meadows.

Strange voice: (from behind wall) This is getting more serious... If this keeps on happening, we may have to launch our secret weapon.

Strange voice: (from behind wall) But its not finished! We need a little more time...

Strange voice: (from behind wall) Enough! If its not done in ten days... well, you don't want to know...

The voices faded away into silence. Midnight looked around to make sure no one had seen him, and dashed back out where he found Boo and Hex waiting for him.

Boo: Got what you came for?

Midnight: Not quite... But at least I'm going home with something. Lets get out of here!

Midnight, Boo and Hex left the big city and back to the boat.


  1. Whoa... that was a quick visit O.O I'm a little surprised that Midnight didn't stay there for at least a few days, but, like he said, "At least I'm going home with something." I got another feeling that the orange-coloured "Strange voice" is Mayor Irontail... Dun, dun, dun!

  2. *gasp* Who are they??? Wait, i bet it's R.O.O.S.T. They are always up to something! Unless....'s someplushie else?


    1. Stripytigeress, can you give me a link to your new plushie blogs please?

    2. Hmm, perhaps, but for me, I don't think so. R.O.O.S.T is in Golden Forests School (As far as the posts have written), and according to Midnight, Mayor Irontail IS in the Big City. On a second thought, Mayor Irontail could be the leader of R.O.O.S.T, considering how Mr. Stonecloud and the others wanted to inform her about the "revenge on the vampires" through the letter. But I really, really believe that the orange "strange voice" is Mayor Irontail. That's just my opinion, though.

    3. Its not up yet, but when it is i sure can!!! i just gotta get my membership back, or else i can't do it. T-T


    4. lol, fine with me! :-)


    5. Here it is Anynomus....
