Monday, February 9, 2015

Ch.15 You're right... - part.3

The M.O.S.T. leader slowly walks down the stone steps and into the dim light of the dark club. Everyone remains silent.

Rogue (black bunny): Good evening, hardened criminals of M.O.S.T.... You're probably wondering why I've come to visit you at such a time, if I'm not mistaken...

Everyone keeps quiet, waiting for the leader to go on.

Rogue: ... Well, I just wanted to make sure you were all in check... having the time of your life... stealing to your hearts content... And I can see there was a bit of a party going on here!

Everybody nodded a bit and looked at each other.

Rogue: And I can see each of you are enjoying yourselves. That's all I wanted to see... My fellow partners in crime should have a blast doing what they do best... Robbing, lying... and best of all... killing...

The M.O.S.T. leader looked at each thief in turn, then nodded his head in approval.

Rogue: ... That's all I wanted to say to you. I hope that you continue to do all that I have taught you...

The black bunny silently walked back up the slippery stairs and exited into the twilight night. Everyone let out a breath of relief and started talking to each other as normal. Midnight turned to Stella.

Midnight: Why is everyone scared of him? If they should be scared at anything, it must be the Vampire Lord...

Stella: Wrong again, Midnight. The M.O.S.T. leader - also known as Rogue - is often kind to thieves like you and will gracefully give you a home away from home.

Midnight: ... But?

Stella: But... if you insult him or speak of the Vampire Lord... he won't hesitate to drag you away into a dark street and kill you instantly, as if you were a honest Vampire or UnMythic... Even if some of those Vampires happen to be his "Thieves in training".

Midnight: So the Vampire Lord just puts you in prison, while Rogue just...

Stella: ...Yeah... that's why everyone is just as, or is even more afraid of him, than the Vampire Lord.

Midnight stayed silent.

Stella: ... You should probably go and play with your friends, Midnight... They wouldn't want you to waste your time with me.

Just then, a shudder went through the club. Almost like a small earthquake.

Midnight: ...What was that?

Stella: I don't know...

Midnight: It felt like a Ice Giant jumped on this Village!

Suddenly, Midnight looked up, as if he was sure what was going on.

Midnight: ... I think I have an idea where that came from...

And so saying so, Midnight quickly turned around and ran up the stony steps and into the night air. He quickly darted through the streets and passageways until he arrived at Ruby's house. He quickly went down into Grandma's potion lab, where the Dragon egg was lying on its side. Just then, Grandma was by his side.

Midnight: Was that...

Grandma: ... The Dragon Egg? Yes. Yes it was.

Midnight and Grandma looked at the now partly cracked Dragon Egg.

Midnight: ... "When the egg is fully hatched, then the real war will start"...

Grandma: Where did you hear that?

Midnight: The fire creature guarding the Dragon Egg told us that... If the UnMythic's secret weapon is about to launch on the Vampires in ten days...

Grandma: ...We don't have much time left before the big fight between us and the UnMythics start!

Grandma picked up the Dragon Egg and set it upright again. She looked back at Midnight.

Grandma: Do you know what you have to do?

Midnight: ... Yes.

Midnight quickly dashed out and onto the Vampire streets towards the Vampire Lord's training grounds.


  1. Hmm... Rogue didn't exactly sound very fierce, but from the sounds of it, he's one of those villians that act cool but still have a heart of stone. Also, the Dragon Egg... Actually, I kind of forgot about the Dragon Egg, but about "the real war"... Well, I hope that it turns out to be peaceful between the UnMythics and the Vampires. PLUS, I wonder what Midnight is going to do on the training grounds! ...He couldn't be thinking of training without Ruby, could he? Ruby might erupt if he did... (That's just my guess, though)

    1. Indeed. Rogue doesn't show his emotions that much, making him... a little more feared because you don't know whether he's happy or angry about you... And since we know that the UnMythics are launching their "Secret Weapon" on the Vampires in ten days, the prophecy is about to come true... And I believe Ruby forgave Midnight for not telling her something he didn't want to share at that moment.

  2. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think Stella has a part on this!!!!!! AHHHH!!! (orange voice in part 1) And Twinkle, it won't let meh commit on ur comic....cuz i have a feeling i know who sved CupCake!
