Thursday, February 5, 2015

Ch.15 You're right... - part.2

Midnight quickly ran back towards the M.O.S.T. club. He almost jumped down the steps and into the now partly filled room. Patrick and Griffin walked towards him.

Patrick: Midnight! My favorite cheetah! Read a book or two... get a drink!

Griffin: Stay a while and give us a reason to have some fun!

Midnight turned around and gave Stella a questioning glance and moved closer to her. Stella sighs.

Stella: They both had a little bit too much cuckoo laughter in their fizzy... both foggy in the brain, I guess.

Midnight: So they're tipsy?

Stella: I wouldn't say that...

Stella and Midnight looked at Patrick and Griffin as they stumbled over to Stella.

Patrick: MORE FIZZY!!!

Stella calmly looked at Patrick and Griffin.

Stella: No more fizzy for you two... Not until you pay up!

Patrick: We'll pay you later... Just give us our refills!

Stella: Not until you pay. That's your FIFTH refill!

Griffin: Who cares about how many times you refill our cups? WE WANT MORE!!!

Stella banged her hand on the counter and glared at Patrick and Griffin, growling.

Stella: Did you not hear me? I said NO MORE FIZZY FOR YOU UNTIL YOU PAY UP!!!

Stella snatched Patrick's cup and started cleaning it. Patrick looked like he was going to explode, so Midnight gently pulled him back away from Stella.

Midnight: Now calm down, Patrick. No need to get upset about a little thing like this!

Patrick: No need to get upset? SHE WONT REFILL OUR DRINKS!!! That's her job!

Midnight: Stella is a little moody, and you know it! Who wants her stinking drinks anyway?

Patrick: Yeah... her stinking drinks... Come on, Griffin! We're going someplace else.

And so saying so Patrick took hold of Griffin's wing and pulled him up the stairs and out of sight. Midnight turned back to Stella.

Stella: Thanks, Midnight... if you didn't calm Patrick down, who knows what could have happened? And just how QUICKLY you did it, also surprises me!

Midnight: I've known Patrick for as long as I can remember. He doesn't like you that much, as you have no doubt noticed...

Stella: Yup...

Stella quietly cleaned the cups. After some time she looked up at Midnight.

Stella: ... Want something? And don't say no, cause I can see you're looking at me.

Midnight: You always seem to know what I'm thinking... Cup of Summer Bomb with some fresh Berry Sugar, if you please.

Stella: One Summer Bomb, coming right up.

Midnight watched Stella as she poured some liquid into the cup she was cleaning and mixed it around. After a minute, she got out a jar full of pink sugar with a spoon inside. She took of the lid and used the spoon to drop the pretty sugar into the drink. She used the spoon to stir the drink, then handed it over to Midnight.

Midnight: Thanks.

Stella nodded and put the spoon back into the jar and put the lid back on. She shoved the jar back under the counter.

Midnight: ... I wonder when... you know who, will come pay us a visit?

Stella: Probably any night now... any night...

Midnight took a sip of us drink and sighed. Suddenly, there was a loud bang and everyone looked up to see who it was.

Stella: (whispering) He's here! The M.O.S.T. leader is here!


  1. M.O.S.T.? Can you plz explin that again? I forgot T-T


    1. M.O.S.T stands for "Masters of Silent Theft", if I'm not wrong. You can return to the post to confirm it if you like :) (And P.S. to Applestorm, I hope that you don't mind that I'm answering this)

    2. Thx! BTW, i got a goggle account, and a youtube channel, so plz check em out! (sorry Applestorm if i'm stealing ur thunder!!!!!! T-T T-T T-T)

    3. Thx! BTW I made a goggle+ account and youtube channel, so plz check them out! Thx. And i don't know if i'm still doing my sig....

      aww wat the heck, why not?


  2. ... O.O "The M.O.S.T leader"? Whoa... I hope that he isn't like... you know, Patrick and Griffin- But I have yet another feeling that he is... Oh no. (But don't worry, my "feelings" are usually wrong XD

    1. Patrick and Griffin are probably your average thieves in the Vampire world... but we'll wait and see what the "M.O.S.T" leader is like, shall we? :)

    2. The suspense!!! XD
