Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Ch.19 The Eggsaster - part.1

After Ruby and Midnight finish their training lesson, Midnight heads towards the M.O.S.T. club while Ruby heads on home to Grandma with Fang. Grandma meets Ruby on the steps.

Ruby: Hi Grandma!

Grandma: Good evening, Ruby. Enjoyed Sapphire's party?

Ruby: More then I'd expected! I thought we would just... I don't know, do something else instead of doing what we did!

Grandma: That's nice to hear... and training went well?

Ruby: Fairly well. Jack quiet as ever and Melody just as chatty!

Grandma: ... Ruby, would you mind coming with me to the Night Markets? I know you're probably tired from the party and training, but this won't take more than fifteen minutes!

Ruby: Sure. Let me just toss Fang on the table and I'll be right with you.

Grandma waited outside for Ruby while she dropped Fang on the table and dashed back to her. They both head together towards the Village center.

Ruby: Probably just as well Fang isn't coming with us... he ate a lot of sandwiches at Sapphire's party, he passed out on the way here... So why are we going to the Night Markets?

Grandma: I needed a few more ingredients for a new potion I'm making... since this is an experiment, I also needed to get a few milkberries just in case something goes wrong.

Ruby: ... Grandma?

Grandma: Yes, Ruby?

Ruby: I've been wondering... do we know who killed Sapphire's dad, or is it a mystery to everyone - not just the UnMythics?

Grandma thought for a moment before answering to Ruby.

Grandma: ... We know it was a friend of Sapphire's father, but we don't know who he really was... whether he was a potion maker, bat carer, or even a messenger for the Vampire Lord, we just don't know.

Ruby: ... Well, what DO we know?

Grandma: We know he used a poisonous powder called Sweetivy, mostly used by thieves, hunters, and doctors. Thieves use it for drinks, hunters use it for baiting traps, and doctors use it for medicine. But if an UnMythic uses it on themselves, they'll get really sick before dying. Sad, but true.

Ruby: So... he must've put some Sweetivy in Sapphire's dads food... but why?

Grandma: Unfortunately, we don't know that either. Whether it was for revenge, a command from his boss, or he just hated him. We just don't know.

Ruby: ...

Grandma: ... Keep Vampires close, and UnMythics closer...

Ruby: What did that come from?

Grandma: A famous Vampire poet in the great war.

After Ruby and Grandma finished shopping, they return home and into Grandma's potion lab. Everything seemed to be alright except one thing..

Ruby looked around the room in puzzlement.

Ruby: ... Where's the Dragon egg?

Ruby walked over to the place where the Dragon egg was suppose to be.

Grandma: ... I believe we've been robbed.

Ruby: ROBBED?!

Grandma: Yes. By the looks of things, the only thing taken was the Dragon egg.  This could be a disaster!

Ruby: But why would anyone rob from you? Your practically a living Vampire legend that everyone knows!

Grandma: Every Vampire knows, you mean.

Ruby: But why would the UnMythics steal from us? They KNOW we're more powerful then they are! If they took it...

Grandma: We shouldn't jump to conclusions.

Ruby: Fine... we'll file the UnMythics under suspicion.

Grandma: Well... the thief population has been rising dramatically for the past few days... maybe Midnight knows something?

Ruby: Midnight would never tell anyone about the Dragon egg! Or steal it, at that matter!

Grandma: I didn't say that... I'm just suggesting he might know something from the disappearance of the egg, that's all. And I believe you should get to bed, Ruby... You're starting to get angry at nothing.

Ruby: ... Yeah... I'll go to bed... good thing there is no school tomorrow.

Grandma: How come?

Ruby: I don't know! UnMythics are strange like that, I guess... They tell you to go to school, then after a while they tell you to take a day off.

And so saying so, Ruby headed up towards her room to bed. She fell asleep in the next few seconds.


  1. Nice post! I like how you changed 'Keep your friends close, enemies closer.' to 'Keep Vampires close, UnMythics closer.' I wonder who robbed the egg. Kidding. I think it hatched and the baby dragon flew off or walked around and got lost. -I am d66864 on AJ.

    1. I have fun doing it! When reading a lot of books, you can mix and match things to make something different and use it to your advantage! But let us wait and see what happened to the Dragon egg, eh?

    2. Well... I don't think that the egg contained a dragon after all. I believe that it hatched when Grandma and Ruby were out... but what it contained could be something that "is hidden in plain sight", just like what the Dragons said before they left. It could be an abstract thing, like friendship, peace... e.t.c., or, as I've guessed before, Ruby herself. That's just my guess, though. I only have a feeling that it is that way, hehe...

  2. ... 0-o ... Oh my flippin' MIRA! SOMEBODY GET THAT EGG!

    Clover: I'll get it! *flies off*

    Me: No, wait! That's not- *hears fire sounds* the village...

    Clover: *now black and charred, comes flying back* But, but, didn't they go to that volcano at one point? cough, cough...

    Me: Sigh. What am i gonna do with you, clover.


  3. And, uh, hey...r u homeschooled? Just wondering, cuz like HOW DO U HVE THE TIME TO DO THESE FANG-TASTIC POSTS?! I'm mostly on the computer at my school, thats why i'm on so much lol


  4. Oh, one more thang...apparently ur from Australia! I like Austrailia. my dad's been there: he swam in the great reef! Have u been there? And, oh, oh, oh, do ya have an accent, mate? :-) Sorry for so many questions, g'day and goodbye! (for now...i'll be back soon!)


    1. Yup... being home-schooled has its advantages in posting stuff for the public, and yes... I come from Australia... I don't SOUND Australian, but I have a unique accent (or so people tell me) that's really hard to put in words...

      And It's ok to ask questions! That's how we learn stuff! :)

    2. Grr-eat to know! Can't wait for the next post!

      Clover: Me either! I'm gonna GET THAT EGG! *flies off*

      Me: Wait, WA-

      *punching sounds*

      Clover: *flies back, bruised and beaten* Cough, cough, u could have told me that was the M.O.S.T. club hideout! That wolf can pack a punch!

      Me: Sigh...


    3. Whoa! Cool! I'm home-schooled too! I've been to school before, but I didn't like it there at all. I stayed in Kindergarten, though. I only began home-schooling when I entered primary school. Also, I'm sorry that I haven't been commenting on your last few posts! I still read them when they were posted, I just didn't have the time to write something, partly because my comments are usually long... and mostly because I'm working on a different project that has to be done before March ends. Sorry!

    4. Wow! Cool! I'm not homeschooled...i wish i was. My school is louder than Goldie yelling into Cupcake's ear when she got that RIM Cupcake hat, and i HATE IT. Did i ever tell you guys that loud noises make me uncomfortable? Like OMG i get so angry and start screaming uncomfortable. Anyways, great posts so far, from both of u! And, uh...what's ur project Twinkle?


  5. What happened to part 3?

    It stars my original plushies, including a whole new gang of plushies, and a few famous ones! INCLUDING RUBY!!!!!!!! i hope you liked the way i made her. I tried very hard to make her like she is here! Anyways, here's the link: Sorry if it's long! And the story starts at the bottom of the page too! Tell Twinkle and Wessie too, ok? Thx! :-)


    1. um...1 mo' do you know a vampire is a vampire? They don't drink blood here, do they? Or do they drink cranberry juce? Or...what?

    2. You can't really tell if Undercover Vamparoo Vampires are... well, Vampires... but they have (whether you remember/read it or not) a weakness to cinnamon, which may lead to heavy coughing or fainting. And if left with cinnamon for too long, it will eventually kill the Vampire.

      Vampires are also usually excellent potion makers and (if trained) can communicate with bats. But with characters like Stella and Hex, they don't seem to do any of these things. But most UnMythics seem to think that Vampires don't exist, but if they think differently (Like R.O.O.S.T.) they will try to get rid of the Vampires at all costs.

      And normally, you would notice fangs coming out of the mouth with normal vampires... but with plushies, you have to stretch your imagination just a little bit to imagine the fangs.

      Hope this answered your question! And great job! I'll tell Wessie the next time I see her! :)

  7. thunx u vury much! :-) i'll take good care of them! and it's fine if u can't :-)
