Sunday, March 1, 2015

Ch.19 The Eggsaster - part.2

Midnight was talking to Stella quietly, when suddenly Patrick bursts through the club's door with a bang. He lifted his head proudly as he shoved the chest across the room.

Patrick: Stella! Give us all a few barrels full of cloudy fizzy!

Stella: Why?

Patrick: Because I'm the best thief in the history of stealing. There doesn't HAVE to be a reason why we should drink what we drink!

Stella: You'll need to pay me first, in that case...

Patrick: All you needed to do was ask...

Patrick opened the chest and got a handful of coins and slammed it down on the counter.

 Patrick: Satisfied?

Stella: ... Yes.

Stella quietly took them and started to prepare the drinks.

 Patrick: You heard the barmaid! DRINKS ALL ROUND!!!

Everyone except Midnight cheered.

Midnight: ... If I may be so bold to ask, Patrick... where did you get all that money?

Patrick: I was payed not to tell... I have standards, Y'know!

Midnight: So I've heard...

Stella stopped stirring the cups on the counter and Patrick grabbed them. He handed one to Griffin and they started drinking the misty liquid. Stella started preparing the next set of drinks.

Midnight: Where do you think Patrick got all that money?

Stella: Probably stole it from the Vampire Lord for all I know.

Midnight: But aren't you just a little bit curious to find out how he got it?

Stella: Why don't you go and ask him again? You're often very persuasive when it comes to asking people about things they refuse to talk about the first time around...

Midnight: ... Maybe after he's taken a few more drinks I'll ask him again.

Stella: Good idea. That may leave me more work to do, but at least you'll find out.

Stella continued serving drinks while Midnight waited. After a while, Midnight moved towards Patrick.

Patrick: Enjoyin' yourself, Midnight?

Midnight: I would enjoy it more if I knew where you got that money...

Patrick: Is that it? Well, an UnMythic hired me to steal a Dragon egg in a old witches house...

Midnight: I thought you said you had standards?

Patrick: I didn't say they were very high! Anyway... I stole the egg without anyone noticing and delivered it to the UnMythic, and he gave me the chest full of gold. If that makes you happy now, have a drink of something already!

Midnight: If you say so, oh master of silent theft...

Midnight walked back towards Stella.

Stella: What did he do...?

Midnight: He stole a Dragon egg for an UnMythic from what I believe came from a friends house...

Stella: One of your friends has a Dragon egg?

Midnight: Sorry. I should've said the Dragon egg.

Stella: I thought the Dragons left long ago, never to be seen again!

Midnight: Exactly what I thought! Until my friend told me they left their champion behind.

Stella: I see... and who exactly is this "friend" of yours?

Midnight: ... I'd rather not say right now.

Stella: Ok. You can tell me when you're ready, then. I'll be waiting for that.

Midnight leaves the M.O.S.T. club and heads towards Ruby's Grandma's house. When he arrives, he enters Grandma's potion lab where he looks around.

Midnight: I must say... he's gotten a lot better at stealing than I thought! Not a trace...

Grandma: Who's gotten better at stealing?

Midnight turns around to see Grandma.

Midnight: ... A partner of mine.

Grandma: And has this "partner" stolen the Dragon egg that was meant to keep safe until it hatched?

Midnight: Um... probably.

Grandma: Is there any way to get it back?

Midnight: He said he was hired by an UnMythic to steal it... he didn't give any detail, but we could start at the Golden Forests school tonight!

Grandma: Wait until tomorrow. Ruby just went to bed and she needs her ten hours sleep before getting up and going on another mission again!

Midnight: When will the Dragon hatch...?

Grandma: ... It's hard to say. But it is possible that it will hatch any day now.

Midnight: So... if it hatches somewhere else?

Grandma: I'd rather not say.

Midnight: Then I need to find the UnMythic that stole the Dragon egg right now then!

Grandma: It would be unfair to Ruby and Sapphire if you went on an adventure without them. Besides, I'm sure after all that training of yours you're probably exhausted!

Midnight: I'm not THAT tired...

Grandma: I can see through you, Midnight. You need sleep.

Midnight: Fine... I'll get a few hours sleep, then...

Grandma: Good plan. Meanwhile, I'll start brewing potions. I have a feeling you're going to face danger at every turn in your next adventure...

Midnight: Danger is my middle name!

Midnight turned around and headed back up to the surface.


  1. ...Oh no. Perhaps that UnMythic who hired Patrick to steal the Dragon Egg was Mayor Irontail, and the "secret weapon" that she was talking about, was THE Dragon Egg... Once it hatches, it may or may not know anything about what it's supposed to do, and perhaps Mayor Irontail was trying to use that as an advantage to train the dragon to fight on their side... AND what's going to happen after that, I hope, isn't going to be too violent or dangerous...

    1. It could be violent AND dangerous for all we know! And maybe R.O.O.S.T. plays a part in this as well... FIND OUT, SOMETIME IN THE NEXT 48 HOURS!!!

  2. Oh no!!! Now an Unmythic has the dragon egg!!! That's not good! :O

  3. *gaps* OH. MY. MIRAAAAAA!!!!!!!! Amazing tory! keep it up!
