Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Ch.20 Trader Daria - part.1

Later that evening, Ruby sat reading some books peacefully, until Midnight and Sapphire burst through the door.

Midnight: Ruby! Guess what?

Ruby looks up from reading her book.

Ruby: I can't guess, Midnight. Please tell me.

Midnight: Trader Daria is in town!

Ruby: Really?

Ruby instantly drops her books in a flash and stands up.

Ruby: Where is she? Does she have any new books for me to read? I need book seven of Shadow Warriors!

Midnight: Calm down, Ruby. Daria is going to set up her wares at the night markets this evening!

Sapphire: You read books, Ruby? Since when...?

Ruby: I had a lot of spare time for the past eight years, I'll have you know. I had to do SOMETHING in my time!

Sapphire: I guess... but I don't get it... why get so over excited about a traveling trader?

Midnight: I don't get what I scream is.

Sapphire: Ice cream. It's ice cream.

Midnight: That's what I said. I scream.

Sapphire sighs and looks at Midnight in disappointment.

Sapphire: Next time I take you somewhere, I'll make sure it's cake shop.

Ruby: I've read all six books of Shadow Warriors, now I need the seventh : Black Mysteries! I need to know what happened to...

Sapphire: Don't spoil it. If it's as good as you make it sound, I want to borrow the collection. Starting with the first one!

Ruby: Well... I'll give you the first two books. But you have to return book three of Ocean Depths. You borrowed it and never gave it back!

Sapphire: I still have it? I kinda forgot to read it after all those years... Can I still keep it for a while? I'll let you borrow the Forest Justice series!

Ruby: I've already read all of them.

Sapphire: Um... You can have Cloudless Sky, book five! I never liked it that much, and I got a lot of other books to read!

Ruby: Already have it. And I thought you gave it away to someone else a long time ago...

Sapphire: Oh, that's right! I did... Well... I can give you Bat Trainer, book eleven!

Ruby: Don't want it. Already read that a long time ago, and I think I'm not fit for training bats at the moment.

Sapphire: You drive a hard bargain... Fine! How about I return Blazing Feathers, book one? You said you lost yours and I've read it a hundred times by now!

Ruby: Deal!

Ruby and Sapphire shook hands.

Midnight: ... Can we go already?

Ruby: To where?

Midnight: The night markets, of course! Where else? We can have a sneak peek to see what she has to sell!

Ruby: Ok!

Ruby grabs Midnight and Sapphire's arm and races across to the night markets. They arrive to see everyone preparing items among the tables.

Ruby: I wonder where she is...?

Sapphire: Why is this Maria Vampire so famous?

Midnight: It's Daria. She travels across the Island and collects all sorts of stuff! Facing dangers at every turn, venturing across the sea to different lands!... And she's also a famous writer.

Sapphire: So she wrote the so called Shadow Warriors series?

Ruby: Yup! Popular with Vampires at all ages! A lone wolf adventuring into the unknown... UnMythics hunting him wherever he goes! No food, no shelter...

Sapphire: Ok, ok. I get it.

Midnight: Is that her, over there?

Ruby: Where?

Midnight dashes ahead and stops at a table where a black giraffe was setting up books.

Midnight: Are you by any chance Trader Daria?

Trader Daria (black giraffe): Yes, that's me.

 Ruby and Sapphire catch up to Midnight.

Trader Daria: What can I do for you kids?

Ruby: When are you going to open? I really want the next book of Shadow Warriors!

Trader Daria: I'm opening at moon rise, love. You're gonna have to wait a little longer!

Sapphire: When does the moon rise, anyway?

Midnight: judging by how low the sun is, probably half an hour at most.

Trader Daria: Ah, someones been doin' their homework! Tell you what. If you can solve this riddle, I'll give you anything from my shop!

Ruby: For free?

Trader Daria: Yes. For free. Anything free of charge! Are you ready, kids?

They all nod.

Trader Daria: You always take us down when we are in our prime. Devour your sweet rewards, but I'll be back in time. A child of mine will rise out of his rotten bed. Up from a hidden pit long after I am dead.

Ruby: Woah...

Trader Daria: Bring me a solution, and I'll give you the next book of Shadow Warriors and anything else you want!

Ruby, Sapphire and Midnight all walk away from the noisy markets and into the peaceful forest.

Sapphire: What do you think it could be?

Ruby: ...

Midnight: Hey, Ruby! You're good at riddles and puzzles! What do you think it is?

Ruby: I don't know... "You always take us down when we are in our prime"... I don't know what that means!

Sapphire: Well... the next part was "Devour your sweet rewards, but I'll be back in time"...

Ruby: ...

Midnight: That's too difficult. Whats the next part?

Ruby: "A child of mine will rise out of his rotten bed".

Sapphire: A rotten bed? You mean like a wooden bed? Or maybe a coffin?

Ruby: Maybe, seeing the next part is "Up from a hidden pit long after I am dead".

Midnight: Ok... so it could be a coffin that wasn't buried... but the "You always take us down" and the "Devour your sweet rewards" don't make any sense!

Sapphire: Lets have a walk! Maybe we can think of something else?

Midnight: Or we could ask Ruby's Grandma!

Sapphire: That would be cheating! And we CAN'T cheat!

Midnight: Why not? Nothings stopping us!

Ruby: ... Sapphire's right, Midnight. We can't cheat. I wouldn't feel right knowing I played unfair to Trader Daria!

Midnight: Fine... we'll play by the rules... even if there are none...

Sapphire: Oh, stop complaining Midnight! We'll find out eventually!

They wander around the forest until they see the first rays of the moon.


  1. Oh no. I was writing a long comment about my guesses to answer Daria's riddle, accidentally pressed a button on my keyboard, and like a gust of icy wind on a cold Winter's night, my comment was blown away into empty nothingness. Nevermind... I'm a little too lazy to write that over again. Looking forward to the next post!

    1. I hate it when that happens! Every time when it happens, I always end up writing something different, or hardly anything at all... I think someone should do something about that! Its becoming a hazard!

    2. Actually, it was my own fault for accidentally poking a button on my keyboard while I was typing, and caused the whole page to "turn into" another page... Hehe, yep! I also end up writing something extremely short when that happens because I'm always too lazy to write the same, long comment over again. My last comment on this post(the one that was deleted) exceeded the number of sentences that is visible in one comment box by many, many sentences, but this new one... has less than four complete sentences. It's alright, I'm looking forward to knowing the answer! :D

  2. When i heard her riddle, the first thing i thought was "Zombie!".

    1. Hmm... I wonder where Ruby, Sapphire and Midnight can find a zombie? :3

    2. And wow! A lot of interesting books...
      Can you explain which series is which? If you want, you can make a page or choose some specific ones to talk about. :-) I'm ok with both!

  3. Hi! Sorry I haven't been commenting on your blog recently. I still read all the story issues, though! ^.^

    Ooh, ooh! I think I might have a clue about what that riddle might mean. "You take us down when we are in our prime" could mean that their (idk who though) lives began getting awful and like a 'downer' when they're young (prime) in age. "Devour your sweet rewards, but I'll be back in time" could refer to the creature who has made the youngsters' lives so awful. Like they're happy that the bad creature has finally left. OR The bad one will return when Ruby, Midnight, and Sapphire least suspect it. Like when they get their rewards for all the missions they do. (Wow, this probably sounds so confusing! Sorry! XD) The last 2 sentences of the riddle could refer to the Dragon's Egg. Like weren't the dragons said to be hunted down/extinct? So no dragons around for many, many years. But then as the Dragon Egg hatches, the Dragon (the creature that was said to be gone for a long time) comes back. So basically, dragons are "coming back from the dead".

    Well.... That's what I think! ^.^

    1. That's ok! Things get in the way sometimes! :)

      And GREAT IDEA!!! Too bad I can't tell you what the answer is, though...

      If this was a actual book, that would've been a great riddle plot!
