Thursday, March 12, 2015

Ch. 21 Attack at Darkriver village - part.2

 Earlier that evening, Far away in the Village of Darkriver, Boo was peacefully enjoying himself by making small bombs.

Boo: A little bit of fire powder... and... that makes seven bombs!

Just then, Boo's door opened and Hex rushed in.

Hex: Boo! It's an emergency! An emergency!

Boo: Calm down, what are you talking about?

Hex: Code Twilight! CODE TWILIGHT!!!

Boo: Why didn't you tell me sooner?! Quick! Get these bombs to the Pebble Creepers!

Boo shoved the small bombs to Hex and she dashed back outside. Boo quickly picked up a small smoke gun and dashed out with her.

Boo: Where are they heading? How many are there?

Hex: At least a few dozen! Coming straight downhill and across the river!

Boo: We'll make sure to give them the fright of their lives!

Hex: But they're armed! With cinnamon! And poisonous bombs!

Boo: We can fight fire with fire...

A grey wolf holding stones rushed in beside Boo. He make a soft cheering noise.

Shiver (grey wolf): This is the biggest party we've ever faced in our lives, Boo!

 The wolf looked up worried.

Shiver: We might need to retreat if they start playing dirty!

Boo: The only ones playing dirty are us...

Hex: Boo! You remember what dad told us!

Boo: Yeah, yeah... I know. But he isn't here, so how would he know?

Hex: I'll tell mum about that!

Boo: She'll be too busy celebrating our victory to notice.

There was a sudden chilly wind sweeping through the village. A white and red deer holding more stones came into view.

Rowan (red deer): Come on, Shiver! We're taking the east forest side this time!

Hex: I want to come with you! Please, Silver! Please take me with you!

Silver (white deer): Sorry, short stuff. You're still a C-class bat caretaker! You need to spook up the bats before the UnMythics arrive!

Hex: But it's not fair... Can't I play hide and shriek with you?

Silver: Life isn't fair, Hex. Maybe when you're a little older, smarter, and faster I'll take you to play with the UnMythics! Hide and shriek is a hunt or be hunted game! Too dangerous for you at your age.

Hex: I'm not that young... am I?

Silver: Sorry, but rules are rules... My hands are tied. You understand, don't you?

Rowan: Boo, you're up front! They need you for extra misting! We need to break up the party so they can be frightened more easily!

Boo: Rodger!

Boo dashes through the now clouding mist and heads for the bushes. There was a shout from the hilltops and the sound of feet pounded the ground. Boo started shooting out a cold and eerie mist from the gun he was holding. A thick cloud of fog covered his area as splashing sounds started to sound in the area.

Strange voice: This is the place, boys! We need to capture as many Vampires as possible before the war starts. Victory depends on it... GET TO IT!!!

The sound of feet sounded again as the UnMythics entered the Village. Boo quietly sneaked into the Village again where he found Hex and the other bat caretakers.

Boo: (whispering) Hex! You need to get out of here! NOW!!!

Hex: (whispering) Why?

Boo: (whispering) The UnMythics don't plan to search for ghost... they plan to capture Vampires! You need to get help!

Hex: (whispering) How am I suppose to do that?

Boo: (whispering) There is a village beyond the green fields and in a forest near here... Midnight comes from that Village! You need to see the Vampire Lord in that Village and give them this message!

Boo quickly wrote down something and gave it to Hex.

Boo: (whispering) Don't look back, Don't stop, and don't get caught!

Hex: (whispering) But...

Boo: (whispering) I know this is sudden, but trust me... Now go! Time is getting wasted!

Boo pushed Hex in the direction of the Everwinter Village and she started running. Boo quietly dashed over to where the Shiver was.

Boo: (whispering) Shiver! We need to get out of here!

Shiver: (whispering) Why do you say that?

Boo: (whispering) This isn't a ghost searching party! This group of UnMythics that plan to CAPTURE Vampires!

Shiver: WHAT?!

Boo hits Shiver over the head.

Boo: (whispering) Quiet! We need to warn the others before its too late!

There was a massive explosion and the sweet smell of cinnamon went through the village.

Shiver: Cinnamon... bomb.

Hiding Vampires started to cough loudly while others tried to flee from it. Boo's vision slowly clouded into blackness.


  1. Replies
    1. Scarlet: OH MY FLEDGLING!!!! Somebody counteract that cinnamon!!!!

      Me: Well, what can?

      Scarlet: Sugar, duh. *tosses suger into air*


    2. Nothing. It didn't work.

      Scarlet: Oh for the love of Kifuba!
      Me: SCARLET! Watch your language! This is a kid-friendly website!
      Scarlet: Sorry...
      Me: Thank you.
      Scarlet: Shum-duva.
      Me: SCARLET! *tapes her mouth closed* Heheheh, sorry about that AppleStorm! Scarlet needs to think about her wording!
      Scarlet: mmmmmmhf.

