Monday, March 2, 2015

Ch.19 The Eggaster - part.3

Early the next morning, Midnight comes crashing through Grandma's door to see Fang drinking coffee.

Midnight: um... good morning, Fang?

Fang: Good morning!

Midnight: Wheres Ruby?

Fang: Still asleep.

Midnight: And Grandma?

Fang: On her morning forest walk.

Midnight: When will Ruby get up?

Fang: Hard to say.

Just then, Grandma walked in.

Grandma: Good morning, Midnight!

Midnight: Good morning...

Grandma: Waiting for Ruby to get up?

Midnight: Well... yes.

Grandma sighs and looks at Fang.

Grandma: ... Fang?

Fang: Yes?

Grandma: Can you wake up Ruby for Midnight, please?

Fang: Anything for you, Grandma!

Fang drinks the rest of his coffee and jumps down from the table. He scurries up the stairs and out of sight.

Grandma: After Ruby has her breakfast, you can pick up Sapphire and start searching for the Dragon egg in Golden Forests school.

Midnight: ... Do you think Sapphire will come?

Grandma: Of course!

Midnight: But how can you be so sure?

Grandma: Midnight, you're forgetting Sapphire is related to Ruby. She will come whether you like it or not!

Just then, there was a yell and the sound of books falling down. They see Fang leaping down the stairs and he dashed behind Grandma. Ruby comes down seconds later with a baseball bat.

Ruby: I'M GONNA GET... oh, morning, Grandma...

Grandma: Good morning, Ruby. So glad you're up!

Ruby: And hi, Midnight... how long have you been there?

Midnight: Not that long...

Grandma: You must be hungry, Ruby! Do you want some breakfast before you pick up Sapphire?

Ruby: Uh... what?

Midnight: Dragon egg... missing? Need to find it before it hatches?

Ruby: Oh... that... well, no time for breakfast then!

Grandma: You'll need some potions before you go, if you're going to skip breakfast...

Grandma handed Ruby a bag full of potions.

Grandma: I've given you some speed potions, strength potions, a invisibility potion, and the new test potion I was talking about last night!

Midnight: What does it do?

Grandma: In theory, it make you glow like a extremely bright light.

Ruby: How about in testing?

Grandma: That's what I want you to find out. Now, off you two go! There is a Dragon egg to find!

Ruby grins and snatches Fang and stuffs him into the bag. She takes a drink from the speed potion then grabs onto Midnight's arm. They dash through the village and forest landscape until they arrived at Sapphire's house. They knock on the door and wait.

Midnight: ... Do you think anyone's home?

Ruby: I hope so...

Just then, Sapphire's mum opened the door.

Tulip: Oh, good morning! Rosy and Marcus, was it?

Ruby: Yup! That's us!

Midnight: Is Sapphire home?

Tulip: Why yes, she is... but I think shes still asleep...

Ruby: Can you check, just in case?

Tulip: Well...

Sapphire: Hi!

Sapphire appeared at the door beside Tulip.

Tulip: Oh, hon... you stayed up till past midnight, and its only six forty-five in the morning! You need more sleep! Where are you three going, anyway?

Sapphire: We... planned to watch the new movie that came out a week ago! You know, before all the crowds got in...and don't worry! We're old enough to watch it.

Tulip: I see...

Sapphire: Bye, mum! Don't worry... we'll be alright!

Sapphire pushed Ruby and Midnight until they were deep in the forest.

Sapphire: That was close... anyway! Why are you here?

Ruby: Another question... were you expecting us?

Sapphire: I'm a light sleeper. No other explanation.

Midnight: Well... someone stole the Dragon egg last night and we suspect it was someone from R.O.O.S.T.... do you have any idea who it could be?

Sapphire: I'm suspecting Mr. Stonecloud, because if I hadn't follow him, I wouldn't have found that letter I gave Midnight.

Ruby: Good enough place to start! Let's go!

They all dash towards the Golden Forest school.


  1. L.O.L. ... Good thing that Midnight and Grandma were there, if not... Well, I'm not sure what might have happened to Fang if they weren't there, but I'm sure that it wouldn't have been the opposite of painful... For Fang, at least. Also, I don't exactly suspect Mr. Stonecloud, but I'm suspecting that the UnMythic who hired Patrick to steal the Dragon Egg is the other voice, besides the orange voice(which I'm suspecting to be Mayor Irontail), in "Midnight Makes Amends", or another UnMythic in R.O.O.S.T who works for the other voice besides the orange voice. Hmm...

  2. LOL! I love it when Ruby came down the stairs with a baseball bat! PRICELESS!!!!!!!! LOL!


  3. NOTE: I hate my school. It is HORRIBLE and LOUD! It's the only school i can go to at the moment though.....its complicated. I'm crying right now, and just....had to get this out. sorry for disturbing u. have fun posting!

  4. School can be almost like a prison to some kids, but it's ok. It's good to let your feelings out every now and then! Keeping all of your feelings to yourself and letting them bounce around in your head is... not so good.

    School may be stressful, boring, and maybe even painful, but we're all going to miss it in the end! :) (well, most of us anyway!)

    1. Kewl, thanks 4 understanding! I just HAD to get that out. Also, i just moved to a new city, so...i don't really know a lot of people. You are the first person i thought i could talk to! And i was right! :-) If u ever need some help too, just talk to me, ok? I understand WAY more than u think.
