Thursday, March 19, 2015

Ch.22 Rescue - part.2

Ruby and Sapphire ran as fast as they could back to Darkriver village.

Sapphire: (panting) Tell me again... why are we doing this?

Ruby: A whole village got captured last night, and we're suspecting the UnMythics did this, and now we're trying to find them!

Sapphire: (panting) How are we going to do that?

Ruby: In theory, We're going to "borrow" a blood hound and track them down!

Sapphire: (panting) That's nice... can I catch my breath now?

Ruby: No time for that! What are you, an UnMythic?

Sapphire: You'd be quite surprised...

Ruby and Sapphire continue running until they crash into Midnight.

Midnight: Glad you could make it, Sapphire! How did you escape your mother?

Sapphire: (panting) By jumping out my bedroom window...

Ruby: So... where are we going to get a blood hound to follow us?

Midnight: I got an idea...

Midnight sneaked out of the bushes and vanished.

Sapphire: Do you think he'll get one?

Ruby: Knowing him, he will whether you like it or not.

A few minutes later, Midnight came back with a yapping blood hound. It bounced around Ruby and Sapphire in excitement.

Sapphire: Why didn't you tell me it was so cute?

Ruby: Forgot to mention it.

Midnight: We need to get ahead of the search team!

Sapphire: ... How are we going to get it to... you know.

Midnight: They're trained to sniff out anything and everything. I was thinking we could just lead it to the trail and it would do the rest.

Ruby: Seems simple enough.

Midnight: Come on, we need to go already! Sapphire, mind leading it?

Sapphire: We need to stop calling this hound a "it". Now let's see...

Sapphire looked at the blood hounds collar.

Sapphire: Her name is Mora.

Midnight: Can we go now?

Sapphire: Fine...

Midnight dashed through the tree's and forest. Ruby, Sapphire and the blood hound were close behind. Eventually, they arrive at the river.

Sapphire: This is a river...?

Ruby: It's so small!

Midnight: It gets bigger in the spring...

Sapphire nudged the hound towards the footprints.

Midnight: Now listen, "Mora"... you need to sniff out some UnMythics and find a lot of Vampires in who knows where...

The blood hound sniff the footprints for a good minute.

Ruby: ... Maybe the scent is too stale for Mora to find anything?

Suddenly, the blood hound let out a howl and darted across the river and up the hill.

Midnight: You were saying?

They all start dashing after the hound.

After twenty minutes of running, they arrive at a big, dark building. Sapphire grabbed hold of the hound before it got any further.

Midnight: So THAT'S where they're keeping them...

 Ruby: That place is HUGE!!!

Midnight: How have I never seen this before...?

They all stared at the prison

Sapphire: What are we going to do with Mora?

Midnight: Take it... I mean, her with us. Of course.

Ruby: How are we going to get in without anyone noticing?

Midnight thought for a minute before answering.

Midnight: We need a distraction.

Just then, there was the sound of guns being fired. A explosion sounded and orders being shouted out.

Sapphire: Will that do?

Midnight: Eh... probably.

Midnight motioned for Ruby and Sapphire to follow him. They all sneaked into the prison and crept through the hallways.

Sapphire: (whispering) This is one creepy jail...

Ruby: (whispering) Tell me about it. I wonder where they keep the keys...?

Midnight: (whispering) Who said we would needed keys?

Ruby: Um... I did.

Alarms start to sound as they turn a corner. They crash into a white deer running at top speeds.

Silver: Oh great... just my...

The deer looked at Midnight closely.

Silver: Are you Vampires?

Midnight: Yes... I'm looking for a black fox named Boo.

Silver: Boo's in danger! And so is the rest of Darkriver!

Midnight: Where is he?

Silver: From what I could gather from the guards, Boo's been put in the "Sweet room".

Midnight: And that means... what?

Silver: He has been put in a small room full of cinnamon. Until he admits whatever information he doesn't have, he will have to stay and breath the fresh scent of death.

Ruby: What kind of information?

Silver: I wish I knew...

Midnight: How long has he been in there?

Silver: We were just minding our own business in our cell until the guard dragged him out. Probably thirty minutes ago, I think...

Sapphire:  How did you escape?

Silver: A guard came round and opened the door again. Before he could react I dashed out.

Ruby:  A little risky, don't you think?

Silver: It was a risk I was willing to take. Besides, they'll just put me back in that dirty cell if they caught me or not!

Midnight: We need to find Boo... times getting wasted!

Silver: Follow me! I think I know a way...

Silver sprinted down the halls with Ruby, Midnight and Sapphire on her heels. Mora slipped and skidded after them.



    Anyways, glad they made it! Ruby, i must admit, Saphire wasn't lying when she said, "You'd Be Surprised". She IS an unmythic. OR...........Since she is distantly related to Ruby, she could have vampire blood! Or even crazier.....HALF-VAMPIRE....>3<

    1. You could be right, there! It would be a major twist to find out Sapphire's a Vampire like Ruby and Midnight! Even just HALF Vampire!


      It's Twilight and Renesme all over again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Sorry! I haven't been online in a very, very, VERY long time... I only got to read half of "Attack at Darkriver Village Part 2" (I think that it was part 2, I'm not on my computer right now and I'm too lazy to check it out for sure.) before I stayed offline for about a week, I think. Sorry for not having been reading nor commenting on your posts!

    1. That's ok! Things can get in the way, but at least you'll have something to do in your free time! :)
