Monday, March 23, 2015

Ch.22 Rescue - part.3

Silver dashed through the prison, unlocking cells and doors as she went with Midnight.

Silver: Not much further!

Ruby: Did ANYONE think about how we're going to get Boo?

Midnight: Can blood hounds retrieve Vampires?

Silver: They can resist the cinnamon for a while, but it clouds their smell and it makes it harder to breath.

Sapphire: You won't need Mora to retrieve Boo. I'll get him.

Silver: That's sweet of you, but you wouldn't survive the cinnamon! The hound...

Sapphire: Mora.

Silver: ... Mora can retrieve Boo.

Sapphire: Cinnamon has never stopped me before. Why should it stop me now?

Silver: Midnight, knock some sense into her!

Midnight: No, she's right. No one else could survive the cinnamon except Sapphire!

Silver: But she's a Vampire... isn't she?

Sapphire: Actually, I'm an UnMythic.

Silver: But... why are you helping us?

Sapphire: Even if I hate you, I believe every creature should live in peace. UnMythics, Vampires... doesn't matter! Everyone deserves safety.

Silver: ... You're a strange UnMythic.

Sapphire: And proud of it.

The smell of cinnamon grew stronger as they reached a a dead end.

Silver: Did I mention the door could be camouflaged?

Midnight moves closer to a small lock.

Ruby: Midnight, do you think you can unlock the door?

Midnight: In my sleep!

Midnight starts to use his claws as a lock pick and fiddles with it for a minute.

Silver: Are you done yet?

Midnight: Give me a second... got it!

Ruby: Stand back, everyone...

Everyone takes a few steps back while Midnight quickly throws the door open. Everyone except Sapphire starts coughing.

Ruby: (coughing)  Hurry, Sapphire!...

Sapphire dashes into the sweet smoke. She comes out dragging a black fox that seems to have passed out from the cinnamon treatment. Midnight slams the hidden door shut and everyone takes a deep breath.

Ruby: That's the closest to death I'd like to get to...

Sapphire: Is there a cure for a Vampire that's breathed in cinnamon?

Ruby: That's why Grandma gave me this...

Ruby pulls out a small tied white cloth full of herbs and spices.

Sapphire: Ruby, our Great great great Grandma seems to know what to give you at the right time.

Ruby: She knows a lot of things.

Ruby waved the small bag under Boo's nose. He quickly jumps up.

 Boo: How long have... MIDNIGHT!!!

Boo jumps up and hugs Midnight.

Midnight: Hey, just because I saved you does NOT mean I wanted a hug from you...

Midnight shoves Boo away.

Boo: Is Hex safe?

Midnight: She arrived safely with the message in hand!

Boo heaves a sigh of relief.

Silver: Now is not the time to chat, we need to get out of here!

Ruby: What about the Vampires we didn't save?

Silver: Nothing we can do right now. We'll come back for them!

Silver grabbed Ruby's and Sapphire's arm and dashed down the halls again. Midnight and Boo were close behind with Mora. They burst out the door and ran across the fields as fast as they could. They heard alarms going off louder than ever as they sped away.


  1. Replies
    1. AHH! AWESOME! :-) Midnight must have long claws, huh? and Mora is so ADORABLE! Where can i get a bloodhound? :-)
