Monday, March 16, 2015

Ch.21 Attack at Darkriver village - part.3

Early the next morning, The rescue team arrived at Darkriver village. Ruby and Midnight started to look around the deserted village of the early misty morning.

Ruby: You have friends from this weird village?

Midnight: I know it's hard to believe, but yes... yes I do...

Ruby: So this town acts like it's haunted...

Midnight: To put it lightly, Yes.

Ruby: Wow... I almost believe it!


Midnight's echo sounded through the abandoned village.

Midnight: ... Nothing...

Ruby: A true ghost town!

Midnight: Let's try Boo's house... maybe he's home?

Ruby follows Midnight until they reached a smallish house. Midnight knocks, but no one answers. He opens the door and enters. Ruby follows close behind.

Midnight: Boo? Are you here...?

The silence was deafening to Midnight.

Midnight: Boo, if you're here... I'd like to see you!

Nothing stirred.

Midnight: Something terrible happened...

Ruby: ... Is it me, or do I smell the faint death aroma of cinnamon?

Midnight sniffed the air.

Midnight: Yes... I smell it too!

Ruby: We better not smell too much of it... possibility of death could be high if we stay here for long!

Midnight looks through Boo's things, but nothing of interest was found.

Ruby: ... Come on, Midnight... let's keep looking through the village.

Midnight sighs and goes back outside. They continue looking.

Ruby: What in the Vampire Lord's name happened here...?

Midnight: I wish I knew... I wish I knew...

A cold wind blew through the deserted village.

Midnight: Why would anyone attack this peaceful village? Not many UnMythics know that Vampires live here anymore...

Ruby: It could be anything, Midnight! But I have a feeling Mayor Irontail is involved in this...

Midnight: I'll kill her if she's done anything to Boo. As childish as he is, he's a friend.

Ruby: No need to go crazy, Midnight! We don't know anything yet...

Ruby sniffed the air again. She stopped walking. Midnight stops beside her.

Ruby: The smell of cinnamon is getting stronger, Midnight. We need to head back.

Midnight: But...

Ruby: I know this is hard for you, Midnight... but we can't help anyone if we're six feet under.

Ruby looks at Midnight with sympathy. She gently takes his arm and leads him away and back to Captain Slash.

Ruby: Anything?

Slash: Not a soul... Sorry to disappoint.

Jack quietly walks up to Ruby and Midnight

Jack: We can't get any further than the middle of the town... the cinnamon is too strong to go any further!

Ruby: What about a flying squad?

Slash: Tried that. Still too strong.

Midnight: They must've attacked from above...

Jack: Most likely, Yes.

Midnight: The cowards...

Slash: Sorry, boy. After the cinnamon has cleared, we'll have a better look! Maybe something will show by then!

Midnight: But anything could've happened to them by then!

Slash: Sorry. It's all we can do right now... MESSENGER!!!

A white eagle rushed up to Captain Slash.

Slash: Give this message to the Vampire Lord! And make it quick!

Slash handed a letter to the bird. The eagle nodded and flew off at top speed.

Ruby: Face it Midnight. There is no trace of anything...

Midnight: ...

Ruby: ...

Midnight: ... Has anyone checked by the river?

Slash: I sent out a ground squad to check it out. They haven't returned, yet.

Midnight: Ok... just wanted to know.

Slash: This is a big mystery to all of us, Midnight. Not just you.

Midnight: Yeah. I know...

Ruby: We must be missing something... there has to be something we overlooked!

Slash: We'll be here all day if we look under every stone and blade of grass! And we may not have any more clues then we did before!

Just then, a group leader rushed up and saluted to Slash.

General Pine (green lion): Sir! Found footprints by the river! But no trace of where they were heading or coming from!

Slash: Hmm... interesting... Good work, Pine! Send out the hounds when ready!

General Pine: Yes sir!

The leader saluted to Captain Slash again and started barking orders at his group. They all turn to their tasks.

Ruby: Well... it's better than nothing!

Midnight: But not good enough...

Slash: Cheer up, lad! If we have footprints, the blood hounds will find the path!

Midnight: So you say...

Slash: You've done all you can, boy. You and the kangaroo head back to Everwinter Forest and do more training.

Ruby: I have a name, you know...

Midnight: But I want to stay here! I need to stay here!

Slash: Go back and train... and THAT'S an order!

Ruby rolls her eyes and starts walking back. Midnight follows her until they reach the forest.

Ruby: ... What's wrong? We need to go back and train!

Midnight: I'm staying here.

Ruby: You're stubborn, Midnight...

Midnight: Maybe that's a good thing!

Ruby: ... You go on ahead. I'll get Sapphire and catch up to you!

Midnight nods and quietly dashes to the river. Ruby heads over to Sapphire's house


  1. Find out Next time on : Undercover Vamparoo!

  2. What about Fang?

  3. :'-( I hope they just passed out. Better that being, ahem, UN-ALIVED.

  4. Does Cinnamon kill?
    Or is it just allergies, or makes you really weak so you COULD be killed. Or maybe a small amount gives allergies, and a big amount can un-alive! Or maybe it's poison? Or maybe-
    Ok WOW. I'm getting WAAAY ahead of myself. LOL
