Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Ch.19 The Eggsaster - part.4

Ruby, Midnight and Sapphire arrived at the R.O.O.S.T. headquarters and started to look around the room.

Sapphire: I never liked Mr. Stonecloud. His name should be Rocksky.

Midnight: Why?

Sapphire: Because if you were a bird, he'd hit your head before you got any higher than the clouds!

Ruby: Focus guys! This is no time to make jokes about teachers we don't like!

Sapphire: If you say so.

Midnight: ... What are we looking for, again?

Ruby: I don't know... anything, I guess.

Suddenly, they all heard a creaking sound and looked up. Ruby quickly takes out the invisibility potion and drinks it. She tosses it over to Midnight and he sips it as well. He hands it over to Sapphire and she turns invisible too. They see Mr. Stonecloud talking to a deer.

Mr. Stonecloud: With the Dragon egg in our hands, the Vampires will have to give up and surrender. They will be helpless without the Dragon champion on their side! This was surely one of Mayor Irontails best plans to defeat the Vampires!

Doc Bramblespike (yellow deer with rocket): Yes. But we're still not sure what will happen if the Dragon egg hatches outside the Village... It might just fly back towards it's master.

Mr. Stonecloud: I don't think so! It wouldn't know who it's master is! Besides, its a baby Dragon. It's not going to be the smartest creature on the island!

Doc Bramblespike: Whether that's true or not, I don't think its safe to keep it here...

Mr Stonecloud: And why not? It's just an egg!

Doc Bramblespike: It's THE Dragon egg. From our research, there is a section where it says "When a Dragon egg hatches, there will be a huge explosion and fire will burst from the egg. The Dragon will only remain true to it's master, and will attack if ordered".

Mr Stonecloud: Should I be worried?

Doc Bramblespike: Very. You're not the true Dragon master, and if the true Dragon master finds out where we're keeping the egg and it hatches, the war will start before we can complete the secret weapon!

Mr Stonecloud: Well get to it then! We can't let the Vampires have the advantage in the battle now, can we?

The deer nodded and dashed out of the room to somewhere else. Midnight started to follow the scientist, but Sapphire grabbed him by the arm.

Sapphire: (whispering) Don't follow him.

Midnight: (whispering) Why not?

Sapphire: (whispering) Ruby needs to retrieve the Dragon egg. You keep an eye on Stonecloud! I'll be outside keeping watch...

Ruby nods and quietly follows the deer. She follows him until they reach an empty room with the Dragon egg on a table.

Ruby: (thinking) Now if I can just get the Dragon egg without the scientist noticing...

Fang suddenly jumped out of the bag and scurried across the floor and stops in front of the scientist.

Fang: (in loud voice) Hello mad scientist!

Before he could react, Fang dashed away and behind the invisible Ruby. The scientist crashed into Ruby and they both fell to the floor. Potions scattered everywhere. The deer quickly picked up the nearest potion and gazed at it.

Doc Bramblespike: What do we have here...?

Ruby: (now visible) THAT'S MY POTION!!!

Ruby made a dive for the potion but the scientist darted back.

Doc Bramblespike: And what does it do?

Fang: It's a strength potion.

Ruby sighs in disappointment.

Doc Bramblespike: How... Interesting... so it makes you super strong...

The deer drank the potion and moved closer to the wall. He punched it, but nothing seemed to have happened.

Doc Bramblespike: ... Nothing...

Ruby: Uh...

Doc Bramblespike: It does NOTHING...

Ruby: ...

Ruby shoved the nearest bottle to Fang. Fang drank the potion, and he started to glow.

Doc Bramblespike: Is that...

Ruby: A glowing spider?

Fang started to glow brighter, until it was painful to look at him.

Doc Bramblespike: MY EYES!!!

Ruby quickly snatched the potion from the scientist and drank it. She hit him in the chest and sent him flying across the room.

Ruby: You shouldn't have gotten out of bed this morning...

Ruby took a drink of the invisibility potion again and before anything else happened, Ruby snatched the Dragon egg and dashed out. She crashed into Mr. Stonecloud.

 Mr Stonecloud: What in the name of...?

Ruby: Good day, sir... and a bit of advice. Never... ever... EVER, steal from a Vampire!

Ruby weaved around Mr Stonecloud and continued running. She dashed out and into the school where Midnight and Sapphire waited.

Ruby: Got it!

Sapphire: We should probably start running?

Ruby: Yup.

They all run deep into the forest. In the distance, they could hear a faint rage screaming noise, probably from Mr. Stonecloud. After a while, they arrive at Grandma's house.

Grandma: Hello, again! Got the Dragon egg?

Ruby: Yes, we did.

Ruby handed Grandma the Dragon egg and headed for the stairs.

Grandma: Where are you going?

Ruby: If it's all the same to you, I'm going back to bed. If anyone needs me, call me in a few hours...

Ruby went upstairs and back to her room.

Midnight: ... So... what should we do now?

Sapphire: ... lets get some ice cream! I hear they have Strawberry swirl flavour, now!

Midnight: I scream?

Sapphire grabs Midnight's and dashed into the misty morning.


  1. Wow... (Longer comment coming later. Sorry!)

  2. Longer comment coming up (Yes, I copied the sentence from Ruby's advice to Mr. Stonecloud and changed the "sir" to Ruby. Sorry about that!): Good day, Ruby... and a bit of advice. Never... ever... EVER, bring Fang out on a V.I.M. (Very Important Mission) again!

    Also, I wonder if Mr. Stonecloud got the hint from Ruby's advice that she was a Vampire and if Ruby had let her own cat out of her own bag... Oh no.

    1. Ah....Applestorm, u consider this blog kid-friendly?

    2. I believe anyone reading this blog is over 11 years old, and if they're not... well, they enjoy violence. (I happen to know kids under 11 that LOVE violence and hardly ever cry if they brake an arm)

      This blog is rated PG - Parental Guidance recommended for people under the age of 15.

      ... But I know you guys don't need parental guidance. And I'm sure a lot of grown ups would enjoy what I'm writing as well! And if they hate me (I know you guys don't), they don't have to come back! IT'S SIMPLE LOGIC. IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, DON'T READ IT.

      But would you consider Twinkle's blog kid-friendly? An evil master mind, trying to take over a kingdom, forcing a princess to marry him, Goldie being kidnapped, and know all her Cupcake's friends turned against her? (except for the stars of other blogs)

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. There's not, don't worry. I only say this cuz of my over-protective dad. :-/ I'm an only child, so...yeah....but i might be getting a sibling this fall! We'll see what God decides...And Twinkle, AppleStorm, i love ur blogs, and i am going to keep reading!!!! :-) I'm just making sure.

  3. Wow! Crazy cool! But, i think the plan must have been foiled, right? I guess the dragons were on the side of the vampires, in my opinion, and dragons are naturally smart. Give the baby time, and it probably would have torn Mr. Stonecloud to shreds and flew off to find the vampires. But now they got the egg! :-)

    1. It's only seven more days until the UnMythics attack... the Dragon still has... "plenty" of time to hatch. And if the Dragon hatched at R.O.O.S.T.'s headquarters, it probably would have wreaked the school, leaving a few hundred children uneducated for a few years.

    2. Yeah....ur right about that...but don't dragons like gold? If the dragon kid collected enough, perhaps he'd help. Or he wouldn't. Dragons DO love their gold. But...the dragons DID want peace...who knows?
