Sunday, March 8, 2015

Ch.20 Trader Daria - part.2

Ruby, Sapphire and Midnight continue walking until they reached Grandma's house. Grandma looked up from drinking tea.

Grandma: Hello, Ruby! Good evening Midnight and Sapphire!

Ruby: Hello Grandma...

Grandma: Whats wrong? Something on your mind?

Midnight: It's a riddle Daria gave us.

Ruby and Sapphire glared at Midnight.

Midnight: ... What? She asked us what was wrong!

Ruby: I thought we agreed not to ask Grandma for help!

Midnight: I don't remember agreeing to anything like that...

Ruby: We don't WANT help, and we don't NEED help.

Midnight: If that was true, we would've figured it out by now.

Ruby: Do you know what the answer is then?

Midnight: Well... no, not really.

Grandma: Alright, alright... stop making a fuss and tell me whats going on!

Midnight: Trader Daria promised us that if we gave her the answer to a riddle, she would give us anything we wanted from her store for free.

Grandma: And what's the riddle?

Ruby: Me and Sapphire can find the answer on our own! Come on, Sapphire.

Ruby and Sapphire go outside and back into the forest.

Grandma: How does it go?

Midnight: "You always take us down when we are in our prime. Devour your sweet rewards, but I'll be back in time. A child of mine will rise out of his rotten bed. Up from a hidden pit long after I am dead".

Grandma: ... I can see why you're having trouble. Now lets see...

Grandma and Midnight talked about the riddle and after some time, Midnight was satisfied with his answer. Meanwhile, Ruby and Sapphire were trying to solve it on their own.

Ruby: Devour your sweet rewards... devour your sweet rewards...

Sapphire: ... I got nothing. Maybe we should ask Grandma to give us a hint? You know... to put us on the RIGHT track.

Ruby: Where did Daria get this riddle, anyway?

Sapphire: I have no idea...

Ruby: We're never going to get this riddle...

Sapphire: ... want some fruit?

Ruby: We don't have time for...

Ruby suddenly got up.


Sapphire: That's what they all say. I still don't feel any smarter knowing that, though!... Um... Why am I a genius?

Ruby: That's the answer to the riddle!

Sapphire: Fruit?

Ruby: YES!!! "You always take us down when we are in our prime"! We take down fruit from trees when its ripe!

Sapphire: "Devour your sweet rewards, but I'll be back in time" is when we eat the fruit and the tree grows more! You're right, I am a genius!

Ruby: One problem. We don't know what kind of fruit it is.

Sapphire: Hm... well, it must be a fruit with a pit inside... Maybe a peach?

Ruby: What's a peach?

Sapphire: Come on! I happen to know someone who has a peach tree in their backyard!

Sapphire grabbed Ruby's arm and ran towards their destination.

After a while, Ruby and Sapphire arrived back to Trader Daria.

Trader Daria: Ah, I see you return! Tell me. Have you brought the solution?

Ruby: We have. Show her, Sapphire!

Sapphire tossed the fruit to Daria.

Trader Daria: So... Which one of you figured it out?

Ruby: Well... Sapphire and I were trying to find the answer, and she asked me if I wanted some fruit, and... the answer was just so simple!

Trader Daria: And what do you want, Sapphire? Do you want something from my vast collection, or is it something else...?

Sapphire: I don't know what I want, to be honest...

Trader Daria: Why were you helping your friend in finding out the answer to a simple riddle...?

Sapphire: I don't know... I just wanted to help her out because she wanted something so badly, I guess.

Trader Daria: And you feel glad knowing you've completed this small quest in your heart?

Sapphire: If you put it that way... yes!

Trader Daria: Tell you what. I'll give you the first book of my latest adventure series : Blood Moon, Red River. I'm not even selling it to the public, yet!

Sapphire: You'd really give that to me?

Trader Daria: Sure I would! You're something, Sapphire... something different from everyone else. You may not be a Dragon master, or a brave fighter... but something tells me you're gonna go far.

The trader handed over the book to Sapphire and Shadow Warriors Book 7 to Ruby.

Trader Daria: I hope we cross paths again one day, young Vampires.

Ruby: Maybe we will!

Trader Daria: May your lucky stars be with you!

Ruby and Sapphire waved goodbye and headed back to Grandma.

Grandma: Hello again...

Ruby: Sorry, can't talk! Need to find out what happened! Good night Grandma, good night Sapphire! And let me borrow that book when you're finished, Ok?

Ruby raced upstairs and into her room. Grandma looked at Sapphire.

Grandma: Did you get what you came for?

Sapphire: Oh yeah. And a little extra sauce to go with it.

Sapphire waved goodbye and Grandma and headed back home.


  1. Ooo... AMAZING! Something that sounds so complicated, is something as simple as fruit! I LOVE it when that happens... I've experienced these situations before, when I crack my brain to answer an extremely complicated question when the answer is unbelievably simple, yet nearly uncrackable. Woo!

    1. That was quite hard to think of, But I did pull it off in the end! I thought that the riddle was too easy (maybe because I knew the answer), but it turned out to be quite hard for you guys! I would never have guessed! Glad you liked it! :)

  2. Hmm, I'm surprised that Ruby and Sapphire could still get something for free from Trader Daria. They only solved the first half of the riddle and not the second half, so..... Uh.... I still find the second half of that riddle quite intriguing!

    1. "A child of mine will rise out of his rotten bed" Just explains that the seed from the peach is starting to grow into a tree. "Up from a hidden pit long after I am dead" could mean that the seed could have been buried and the old tree might've been cut down or something... you be the judge of that.

  3. Great post! NEVER THOUGHT IT WAS A FRUIT! :-D Good job. BTW...does trader daria know Sapphire is an unmythic?

    1. Traveling Traders are often mysterious, keeping many things secret from the world... but maybe she knows more then shes really telling. Ruby didn't know what a peach was, and Sapphire did. Perhaps Daria knew that an UnMythic could solve it far easier then a Vampire could!

    2. Yes. Daria is a Vampire. She travels all around the other Vampire villages and other parts of the word. A bit of an explorer, wouldn't you agree?

    3. Oh, and i explored ur den and found the scene in Ruby's flashback. o.o It was really cool to see the full den, and the fact that you use the white kangaroo for Saffy! *claps hands over mouth* Uh....i mean...
      Scarlet: Don't do that! How many times do i have to tell you NOT TO SPILL SECRETS!
      Me: *whines* But i'm honest!
      Me: P-pinky?! I thought you were in hibernation until i got my blog up!
      Pinky: Oh yeaaaaah....*snores*
      Me and Scarlet: That is so fake.
