Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Ch.22 Rescue - part.1

Boo's head was swirling around in blackness. He heard voices above him and tried to move. He painfully looked up to see Silver standing over him.

Silver: Good morning, sleeping beauty. Glad to see you're up.

Boo slowly rose from the cold hard floor. He looked around.

Boo: Where are we?

Silver: This is what the UnMythics call prison. A living nightmare for the wrong doers of their kind.

Boo: So... this is a dungeon?

Silver: To put it lightly, yes.

Boo: What happened?

Silver: You don't remember?

Boo: It's all a big blur for me...

Silver: The UnMythics attacked us with cinnamon bombs from the sky. Those who weren't unconscious tried to run. A few of us made it, but most of us ended up here. Like you and me.

Boo: How long have I been knocked cold?

Silver: A few hours... hard to tell if you can't see the sun or moon.

Boo: Where's Rowan and Shiver?

Silver: Probably in a different cell. The UnMythics are afraid that if there are too many of us in one room, we'll be strong enough to break out and escape.

The door swung opened and a UnMythic shoved a few bowls full of stew into the cell.

Guard: Enjoy the food, cold blooded insects...

The guard slammed the door shut and walked away.

Boo: The nerve...

Silver: Tell me about it. Just because we're different they think can lock up and control us at a snap of their fingers...

Silver picked up one of the bowls and ate a little. She handed it over to Boo who greatly drank the cold and tasteless stew.

Silver: Better then starving...

Boo: I guess...

Boo put the bowl down for someone else to take.

Silver: I wonder how Rowan is doing...

Boo: You're worried about her?

Silver: She's my sister. I would hope I have feelings for her.

Boo: I'm just worried about Hex...

Silver: She's probably fine... hopefully ran away into the forest getting help.

Boo: But what if she's not fine?

Silver: Boo.

Boo: Yes?

Silver: Be quiet.

Boo: Sorry.

Boo huddled in a corner and fell into a restless sleep.

Early the next morning, the door suddenly opened and the guard walked in. He looked coldly at Boo.

Guard: You're coming with me!

The guard grabbed hold of Boo and dragged him out of the cell.

Boo: Where are you taking me?

Guard: None of your business.

The guard dragged Boo along the hallways of the prison. Boo wildly looked around, seeing Vampires of all ages locked up and cold. Finally, the guard stopped at a door and pushed Boo through it. A shadowy figure stood in the corner behind a desk of books.

Boo: Who are you...? Why am I here?

Shadowy Figure: I'm no one... and you're here to answer some... questions...

Boo: What kind of questions?

Shadowy Figure: I'll be the one asking you... now tell me. Where is the Dragon egg being kept?

Boo: ... I don't know.

Shadowy Figure: Now now... lets not start playing children games, hmm? Tell me the truth...

Boo: Or what?

Shadowy Figure: I can put you in the sweet room... where Vampires who misbehave go!

Boo: We Vampires are honest creatures... we wouldn't tell a lie, even if our lives depended on it!

Shadowy Figure: I think I've heard THAT one before...

Boo: It's true. The Villagers of Darkriver never lie. We're a peaceful village that never fight unless forced to.

Shadowy Figure: You're playing with fire, Vampire... and there is no water to quench it in sight. Are you sure you want to continue?

Boo: There IS no fire to play with!

Shadowy Figure: You leave me no choice... GUARDS!!!

Two guards rushed in and grabbed Boo and dragged him to a nearby room. The room was full of the scent of cinnamon. Boo's vision slowly clouded into blackness.


    Scarlet: *covers ears with paws* Ok, ok, WE GET IT!
    Scarlet: *scowls* Fine! I'll take care of it MYSELF!!!!!
    *Scarlet rushes to the prison, kicking all the guards butts and crashes through the door to the 'sweet room'*
    *a plushie sits on the floor, clearly not a vampire*
    Prisoner: I killed 59 people. YOU COUDL BE TEH 60TH.
    Scarlet: AHHHHHH!!!!! *runs back to me*
    Scarlet: *facepaw* Seriously?

  2. I thought Hex and Boo and the rest of them were ghosts.

    1. Hex and Boo are Vampires. Darkriver village just ACTS like they're ghosts. A bit like Role-playing, but a few levels up.

      We don't know much about them, but maybe we'll learn more later on through the story! :)
