Monday, February 23, 2015

Ch.18 Party time! - part.1

Early next morning, Ruby, Sapphire and Midnight hurry down the path of the entrance  towards the Golden Forests school where they all talk about the adventures of last night. They walk down the halls of the busy school.

Ruby: But all in all, that was one crazy night! I never thought it was so hard to get pizzas!

Midnight: How come you guys got all the action and I was stuck on berry picking duty?

Ruby: Because we were stuck on "Let's find Wind Diamonds for a crazy alchemist so he can make moonshards for the pizza baker so he can make pizzas for the Dragon that's going to hatch any day"!

Sapphire: Besides... there will always next time!

Midnight: Maybe.

Sapphire: What do you mean, "Maybe"?

Ruby: As soon as the Dragon egg hatches, war will start between us and the UnMythics.

Sapphire: Well... next time when we're alone Ruby, you need to update me on whats going on... I'm not psychic, y'know!

Ruby: I'm aware of that... But we've been so busy lately, I've forgotten to tell you!

Sapphire: That's not the only thing you forgot.

Ruby: What do you mean?

Sapphire sighs and looks at Ruby and starts to act with a dramatic voice.

Sapphire: My dear cousin... Once a year, there is a time when we could do ANYTHING, and EVERYTHING... In that time, we would celebrate a special time... a time of cake, and presents! A time where we would stay up past midnight and dance like never before! Every kid from miles around would come to see the special girl and wish her a good day... And that time shall come again!

Midnight: Um... can I have a English to Midnight translation?

Sapphire: My birthday party is tonight.

Ruby: ... Well... I had NO IDEA! I mean... we haven't seen each other for a LONG time!

Sapphire: I expect you, and maybe Midnight, to be at my house by sunset... right now I have to get to Mrs. Fernstream before the class starts... she's ordering the cake.

Midnight: Isn't it the mother that has to prepare everything?

Sapphire: My mum can have some help from friends if she wants to...

Sapphire waves Ruby and Midnight goodbye as she heads towards the drama class.

Midnight: Why would I go to an UnMythics party?

Ruby: Because it would be a nice thing to do. Now stop complaining and get to a class before I give you an injury.

Midnight grins at Ruby before dashing round the corner towards Mrs. Breeze's class. Fang pops out of Ruby's backpack.

Fang: I agree with Midnight. Why would we go to Sapphire's birthday party? There could be many dangers!

Ruby: I know that. But if Sapphire really has changed, she would add Vampire friendly snacks instead of harmful cinnamon foods... Besides, wouldn't it be fun if we could do something else beside worry about when a Dragon hatches or how to fight for a while?

Fang: ... Do you think she will add tasty sandwiches at the party?

Ruby: It's her special day, Fang. I'm sure getting a plateful of sandwiches is just a snap of her fingers away!

Fang: Yay!

Ruby shoves Fang back down into her backpack and enters Mrs. Redleaf's class.

After all classes, Ruby and Midnight take the long walk back to the Vampire Village. They enter Grandma's house and yell out their home-coming.

Grandma: I see the adventurers are back from school! How has your day been?

Ruby: Average... just like every other day of school.

Grandma: Well, it's for a good cause. You're helping your kind win the upcoming war!

Midnight: That's true, I guess...

Ruby: ... Hey Grandma?

Grandma: Yes, dear?

Ruby: Sapphire's having a birthday party later this evening... do you think we should go?

Grandma thought about it for a minute before answering.

Grandma: ... I think Sapphire would like it if you both join her this evening at her party. After all, you're friends again, aren't you?

Ruby: Yeah... I guess you're right.

Grandma: What time are you suppose to leave?

Midnight: She suggested we get there by sunset.

Grandma: How about you both take a rest before leaving? Sunset is in an hour, so you can leave in forty five minutes!

Ruby: Ok! What do you think Midnight?

Midnight: ... I need to do a few things before we go. I'll see you later.

Midnight dropped his backpack on the floor and dashed out the door and into the evening air. Ruby shrugs at Grandma before heading upstairs into her small bedroom to read. Meanwhile, Sapphire is back at home planning the party.

Tulip (purple kangaroo): Everything is almost ready, Sapphire. Anything else for my birthday girl?

Sapphire: Nope. I'm good.

Tulip: Ok! If you want anything else, just ask me!

Sapphire: Sure, Mum...

Sapphire's mother leaves the room and Sapphire looks around at all the decorations.

Sapphire: I wonder if Ruby and Midnight will come to my party...

Sapphire looked up at the sky as the sun began to set beyond the trees and over the hills.


  1. Wow, this is great! I love it when Sapphire says all that nonsense when all she could have said was "It's my birthday tonight." LOL! I'm starting to see why Twinkle likes Sapphire...Great story and effects! Hold on...The blue kangaroo has rainbow socks, right? How did you get Sappire's to be just an ordinary blue? LOL that just came to me. GREAT work, keep it up! I NEVER miss a post! YAY!


    1. I tried to get a blue kangaroo from The Claw, but I got everything BUT the blue kangaroo... So i had to recolour another kangaroo to look like the blue one, but without the socks... annoying, but it works just the same.

      Until I get the kangaroo with the rainbow socks from The Claw, this is what I have to work with.

      And I'm glad that you enjoy reading this blog! Your support means a lot to me! :)

    2. Daww, don't mention, it, meh friend. Hey, what is ur AJ username? Applestorm? Cuz i REALLY wanna buddy u! And Twinkle, and Wessie, and EVERYONE ELSE, LOL!


    3. Yup. My user is Applestorm, believe it or not! And Jamagram me and I'll answer ASAP! :)
