Monday, February 16, 2015

Ch.17 Dragon food quest - part.2

Ruby and Sapphire explored the volcano like Village until they stopped at a strange looking house. Ruby knocks on the door.

Ruby: Hello? Anyone home? Can we come in?

Voice from behind door: I'm not here!

Sapphire: Yes you are. We can hear you!

Voice from behind door: This is a recorded message... I'm out shopping!

Sapphire: If that is true, then how did the tape recorder know we would come?

Voice from behind door: This tape recorder knows a lot of things.

Ruby: Then open up or... or...

Voice from behind door: Or what?

Sapphire sighs and shoves Ruby out of the way and kicks down the door.

Ruby: Or... we kick the door down! Like we just did.

Sapphire enters the strange house and Ruby follows close behind. They find a yellow wolf stacking up books and potions. 

Fizz (Yellow arctic wolf): Why did you break my door down? What did my door ever do to you?

Sapphire: Your door was stopping us getting inside so we could ask you a question.

Fizz: THAT'S NOT... ok, maybe it was a good reason... But now I have to get my door repaired!

Ruby: Well... It would have been easier if you would have let us in when we asked nicely!

Fizz: Can you just ask me the question and go away?

Sapphire: Fine... Are you by any chance an alchemist?

Fizz: Yes... Why do you ask?

Ruby: Well... we have a Dragon hatching in a few days, and we need to feed it pizzas... but the pizza baker here doesn't seem to have moonshards which are an important ingredient to the Dragons diet.

Sapphire: And we heard that alchemists can create moonshards from a special stone over a certain heat for a set amount of time... can you please help us?

Fizz: Why should I help you? You knocked my door down!

Sapphire: If you don't help us we'll do much more then kick your door down...

So saying so, Sapphire picked up a nearby stick. She slowly moved the stick towards some books and pushed them over.

Ruby: Sapphire, what are you doing? We're suppose to be NICE to him!

Sapphire: It was his call, not mine. If he wants his stuff to be wrecked, then I can't complain!

Sapphire moved over to some potions and knocked them off.

Fizz: Now look what you did! Isn't it bad enough I have to fix a door, but clean a mess as well?

Sapphire: Sorry.

Sapphire moved towards some cups and stopped. She looked at the alchemist with a look that seemed to say "Are you sure?".

Fizz: Don't you break those! Those cups were a gift from my mother.

Sapphire: I don't want to, but if you won't help us, I really have no choice... such pretty cups...

Sapphire moved closer to the cups.

Fizz: Ok! Ok! I'll craft up some moonshards for you... just don't break my stuff!

The yellow wolf started to put items on the table.

Fizz: I need some peace and quiet... you two kids go off and play for a bit. I'll call you when it's ready...

Sapphire: Good. If you do a bad job, expect a very unhappy Dragon showing up at your house and burning it down in a few days. THAT will cause you to fix more then just your door!

Ruby and Sapphire leave the small house and into the burning air. They waited outside the alchemists house until they heard a yell.

Ruby: Is there something wrong?


Ruby and Sapphire re-enter the house to see the alchemist wildly searching for something.

Sapphire: What are Wind Diamonds?

Ruby: Judging by how panicked he is, I'm thinking that's an important item for making Moonshards.

Fizz: Wind Diamonds are the MOST IMPORTANT ingredient for making Moonshards... Without them, I would be making exploding powder!

Ruby: Where can you get Wind Diamonds?

Fizz: Most likely somewhere that's REALLY HIGH...

Sapphire: High like on top of a mountain or cliff?

Fizz: Yup...

Ruby: Then what are we waiting for?

Before Sapphire could answer, she was being dragged off and out into the cold night sky.


  1. Well, what do you know? Ruby and Sapphire seem to get along pretty well after all! ...Plus, Sapphire DOES seem to have a personality and temperament that is REALLY similar to Ruby's... Amazing post! Looking forward to the continuation of their adventure to make pizzas!

    1. Yeah, they both got sass and they must always get their way.
      (Ahem, that's what I think. X3)

  2. Am I the only one would gets the Despicable Me reference?

    1. Oh my gosh. Now that you mentioned it, I DO see the Despicable Me reference! (I think- hasn't seen movie in long time- XD) The voice behind door... Right?

    2. I don't think I've seen the Despicable Me movie... but I have heard of it.

      Should I watch it so I know what you guys are talking about?

    3. I've not seen the Despicable Me movie either. I've only heard about it, but never really thought about watching it... Actually, I hardly watch movies as much as before nowadays, hehe.

    4. Despicable Me is hilarious. I love the movies. So I'm gonna go with yes- you should see it. ;) hehe that scene tho...



    6. And yes! You should watch it! :-) It is very funny!

  3. You made Fizz's name blue instead of yellow...
