Thursday, February 19, 2015

Ch.17 Dragon food quest - part.3

Ruby and Sapphire stopped outside the volcano Village entrance and took a good look at the view.

Sapphire: The alchemist said that we can find Wind Diamonds at very high places... where should we start?

Ruby: I'll start looking at the top of the volcano... as hot as it is, I'm sure there might be something worth checking out!

Sapphire: I can start looking over at that tall mountain in the distance, then.

Ruby started to climb up the hot volcano.

Sapphire: ... See you in a bit.

Ruby: Same to you. Good luck! The survival of a Dragon depends on it!

Sapphire dashed off down the hill and towards a cliff in the distance. If anyone was looking out for kangaroos, they would have seen a lightning streak of blue going past them instead.

 Sapphire: (thinking) I forgot how fun it was to speed run through a field... have I forgotten how much fun it was to be with Ruby as well?

 After half an hour of tireless running, Sapphire arrives at the mountain and starts climbing to the top.

Sapphire: Well, at least I can say I've climbed a mountain in search for gems for a Dragon.

Sapphire continued climbing the mountain until she reached a resting point.

Sapphire: (thinking) I wonder what Wind Diamonds look like...

Fang: They probably look like diamonds.

Sapphire: FANG?! What on earth are you doing here?

Fang heaved himself onto the same ledge Sapphire was on.

Fang: I followed you, or course!

Sapphire: Fang, there is no possible way that you followed us all the way from Grandma's house!

Fang: ... Yeah, you're right... I hid in Ruby's potion bag for most of the way.

Sapphire: ... You do know what happens if Ruby finds out, right?

Fang: I'm probably going to be put in a moonlit pumpkin pie.

Sapphire: Yup.

Sapphire looked up to see how far it was to the top. Then she looked back at Fang.

Sapphire: Fang... How does Ruby treat you?

Fang: She shoves me, pushes me, snatches me, and threatens me... why do you ask?

Sapphire: Well... You have a choice of climbing this cliff yourself without my help, OR I could throw you in the air as hard as I can... which would you like most?

Fang: I would... rather just do it myself...

Sapphire: Good choice. You're looking for "Wind Diamonds"... I don't know what they look like, but just pick up any gems you find.

Fang starts climbing the mountain looking for gems, and Sapphire waits on the ledge. After some time, Fang comes back with a small white gem, and hands it over to Sapphire.

Fang: That was all I could find.

Sapphire: Either this place isn't high enough, or you just have bad eyes... either way, at least we're going back with something.

Sapphire picked up Fang and climbed back down before speeding through the fields back towards the volcano Village. After a while, she arrived at the alchemists house and entered. She found Ruby handing him some gems.

Fizz: I see you're back... did you find any Wind Diamonds?

Sapphire: Maybe, maybe not... I found this, though.

Sapphire tossed the small gem over to the alchemist.

Fizz: Right colour... right size... this should do nicely!

 The alchemist looks at Ruby and Sapphire before turning to some books.

Fizz: Now go away... I want to do this right before an angry Dragon rampages through my house and burns my books and potions!

Ruby and Sapphire leave the house and decided to visit the pizza baker.

Crust: How's it working out with the moonshard hunt?

Ruby: Well, I think the alchemist... um... whats his name?

Crust: His name is Sodafizz, but he's mostly known as Fizz. Genius in many ways, but a bit... crabby, I guess...

Sapphire: I see... and he doesn't like anyone touching his precious cups that were a gift from his mother?

Crust: Hmm... I doubt anyone would be pleased with that.

Ruby: ... Anyway. Fizz is working on it and he should probably be done in a few minutes.

Crust: Odd... he usually takes his time when making something for someone else...

Ruby: That... may or may not be our fault, then...

There was a loud BANG that seemed to have come from Fizz's house. Sapphire and Ruby dashed out of the pizza place and into the alchemists house.

Fizz: EUREKA!!!

Sapphire: Yes, and you reek of smoke! What about it?

Ruby: He probably did something wrong.

Fizz: What? No! Every good alchemist says eureka when they create something!

Sapphire: ...

Fizz: ... Don't give me that look! I worked very hard to make those moonshards!

Ruby: That's nice. Glad you put hours of work into making some shards for a Dragons pizza.

Fizz: Good. Cause I'm not doing it again!

So saying so, Fizz gave Ruby a small bucket full of blue shards. Sapphire and Ruby both head back to the pizza baker.

Crust: Good! I can start baking those pizzas!

It took a while for the pizzas to be cooked properly, but eventually they were all done. Ruby and Sapphire went back to Grandma with a strange smile on both their faces.


  1. Wow! This is amaze! You did a really sweet job, AppleStorm. And can I ask Ruby a question? Here goes... How did you meet Fang?


    1. Ruby: Well, a few years ago I really wanted a pet... and Grandma allowed me to have one on the condition that I fed it everyday and looked after it. We went to a local pet shop and Grandma picked the cheapest pet there... a deadly Everwinter forest spider...

      Well, I DID look after it for a little while... but whenever I tried to eat a sandwich, my snack would always vanish in thin air (as you can imagine, that was annoying). So I thought it was time I did something with my "pet".

      I sneaked into my Grandma's potion lab (the basement) and "borrowed" a potion... I gave it to my pet, and then there was a magical explosion.

      After the smoked cleared, my pet started to complain about being hungry and wanting a sandwich... (I now knew what happened to my snacks every afternoon!)

      And after giving the spider a few sandwiches, I found out that his name was Fang. We soon became "fast friends". Even if he's annoying, dumb, and kind of quiet, I liked him. We've been together every since (even if I don't want him)!

    2. Aww, cute! That's a nice story. Hey, could you tell me how the egg was still in the dragon caves? I thought they left long ago. Just asking.


    3. In Ch.8 Dragon egg part 1, the War Journal said that "But before left, they told us a prophecy. They said "You may have driven us out, but one day we WILL return. For one day, the egg will hatch and our champion will arise!"

      So you're right in thinking that, but the cave where the egg was found wasn't their home. The Dragons lived up in the mountains instead of down in lava filled caves!

      I hope this helped! :)

    4. Oh.....gotcha. Sorry, i have the WORST memory when it comes to posts, and i'm SO flipping lazy to check! ,-.- Great storyline, i can't WAIT!!!! BTW, Are u gonna use an alligator plush for the dragon? the one with the wings? I have it lol :-) If u do, do i get a digital cookie?! Cocolate chip is my fave!!!!!


    5. Yup. I'm planning to use the Crocodile plush with the dragon wings, but I still need to retrieve it from The Claw... I got a lot of other cool plushies, but I still don't have the crocodile dragon thing yet...

      And yes, you can have a Choco chip cookie! *gives stripytigeress digital cookie*

    6. YAY! *eats cookie in one giant bite* *with mouth full* shew du ya du sha lut erf wok thoo du dese poths? *swallows* Ahem, sorry. Do you do a lot of work to do these posts? Cuz i wanna be ready for my blog. I STILL NEED MY MEMBERSHIP OR ELSE I CANT GET TO THE DENS! Grrr, curse u AJHQ!


    7. I guess it depends how long I make them (obviously not as long as Twinkle's)... I often just make it up as I go and fit pieces together when the time is right, but sometimes its good to think ahead. Maybe have a image of what you want to happen before writing it!


      1. Ruby and Midnight find cave and explore it.

      2. Ruby and Midnight find a strange lava creature that gives them riddles.

      3. Ruby and Midnight complete riddles and rediscover Dragon egg and get sent away back home.

      Another thing that you might want to add is Rules or a Back Story of how it all happened! This may or may not make things harder, but I think your public will understand whats going on more clearly or just want the history behind your stories!

      But in my option writing stories isn't very hard (may be different to other people), but sometimes its hard choosing words or making interesting characters... but I believe you're more ready then you think!

      I wish you luck when you do start making your stories, and I hope this helped in some way! :)

    8. 'Course it helped! Thanks, Applestorm!
      Pinky: Wait, do WE have a backstory?
      Um...i guess i should try and get it together then.
      Pinky: Wait, we DON'T HAVE A BACKSTORY?!
      Clover: *smacks* GET IT TOGETHER PINKY!!!!!!
      Uh... '-.- That's my plashes for ya...


  2. *Full comment coming tomorrow. Good night.*
