Sunday, February 15, 2015

Ch.17 Dragon food quest - part.1

Ruby, Midnight and Sapphire entered the house. They saw Grandma making a small list.

Grandma: Kids, listen up! The Dragon egg will hatch in a few days, so we must have something for it to eat when it DOES hatch...

Sapphire looked at Ruby in confusion.

Sapphire: What Dragon egg?

Ruby: The Dragon egg me and Midnight found a few days ago.

Fang: AND ME!

Ruby: You don't count, Fang.

Grandma pointed the pencil she was holding at Midnight.

Grandma: Midnight, I need you to get some Dragon Fruit. Do you know what they look like?

Midnight: Yup.

Grandma: Good.

Grandma pointed her pencil at Ruby and Sapphire.

Grandma: Ruby and Sapphire, you two will have to get a few dozen pizzas from the best pizza baker in a larger Village called FireMore. Here's a list on what should be on the pizzas. I'm sure one of you knows where the Village is...

Grandma gave Ruby a list of ingredients for the pizzas then went upstairs. Ruby and Sapphire look at each other.

Ruby: Well... I'm sure ALL Dragons love a good pizza?

Sapphire: Probably...

Grandma hurried back downstairs and gave Ruby some potions.

Grandma: You might need these potions. FireMore Village is the hottest place on the Island... It's inside a extinct volcano, so you'll need some Fire Resistance potions. And it will take a long time to get there, so I've added some Speed potions to the mix... And you'll need some fire coins for the pizzas.

Grandma gave Sapphire some red coins with a strange symbol on them.

Grandma: The sooner you leave the sooner you can get back. Make sure to give the list to the pizza baker!

Ruby and Sapphire said goodbye to Grandma and Midnight and exited the house. They stop at the Village entrance.

Ruby: So... any idea where FireMore Village is?

Sapphire: Grandma said the Village was inside a  extinct volcano... so I would hope it's somewhere where there's some smoke coming from a black hill...

Sapphire looked up at the landscape and saw a dark smoke rising from beyond the trees.

Sapphire: I'm assuming we can start our hunt over there!

Ruby: Then what are we waiting for?

Ruby picked up a Speed potion and took a quick drink. She handed it over to Sapphire and she took a sip. They both took off like speeding bullets towards the smoke. They dashed through the forests and over hills until they arrived at a dark rock like hill with a huge entrance.

Ruby: We should take a drink of the Fire Resistance potion before we enter...

Ruby got out the glowing red potion and took a drink before handing it over to Sapphire. They both entered and found themselves in a huge cave with lava all around them.

Sapphire: ... Wow.

Ruby: You can say that again!

They both wandered around until they saw a sign that said "FireMore's Pizza Takeaway". They both entered and saw a brown wolf baking pizzas. The baker looked up to see Ruby and Sapphire.

Crust (brown wolf): Ah, costumers! What can I do for you on this very fine night?

Ruby: Well... We need a few dozen pizzas for a Dragon that will be hatching in a few days. Do you think you could help us?

Ruby gave the pizza baker the list Grandma had given her. He looked read the list for a few minutes before looking up at the kangaroos.

Crust: I think I can help... but it will take me a very long time... Do you fine young girls want to do a little job for me?

Ruby and Sapphire looked at each other before nodding their heads slowly.

Ruby: Sure. I guess we can't leave until we know the pizzas are ready.

Crust: Well... It says here that we need some moon shards... Do you know where to get that?

Sapphire looked at Ruby before stepping forward.

Sapphire: I believe you can get moon shards from a certain type of rock that needs to be put in a special liquid on a certain heat for a set amount of time...

Ruby stared at Sapphire in amazement.

Ruby: How did you know that?

Sapphire: What can I say? I didn't mean to pay attention in science class...

Crust: It doesn't matter how you know! I'm just glad you DO know!

Sapphire: Do you by any chance have a alchemist in this Village?

Crust: Indeed we do. You'll find...

Before the pizza baker could finish his sentence, Ruby was pushing Sapphire out the door and into the heat the the Village.

1 comment:

  1. Ooo... Food Quest, interesting! :) (Sorry, I'm eating right now, I'll comment more later!)
