Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Ch.16 Sapphire joins the team - part.1

The next morning, Sapphire took the long walk to the Golden Forests School and waited at the entrance for Mandy. After a while, Sapphire spotted Mandy hurrying towards her.

Sapphire: What took you so long?

Mandy: Sorry! I got side-tracked looking at the cake shop on the way here!

Sapphire: You always say that.

Mandy: Because it's true.

Sapphire and Mandy walk down the school halls together.

Mandy: When is the school play starting?

Sapphire: If I'm not mistaken, probably sometime in the next week or so.

Mandy: I still can't believe that you were picked to play as Princess Lucy... You know, cause she was an important part in Poisoned Love!

Sapphire: No need to remind me...

Mandy: ... You don't seemed to excited about it.

Sapphire: That's because I'm not.

Mandy: But you should be!

Sapphire: All she really does is warn her oblivious brother not to sneak out to see "Ella", who just happens to be a Vampire... It's all "Liam, I beg you not to go! You will regret it for the rest of your life" And stuff like that... Boring, if anything. Just like History.

Mandy stopped at looked at Sapphire in shocked horror.

Mandy: SAPPHIRE! How DARE you speak about the famous plays of our times! And history isn't boring!

Sapphire: Yes it is.

Mandy: History is an exciting adventure of what our ancestors did, how they did it, and WHEN they did it! History is a brilliant story of how we survived in the past and a record about all the disasters took place! History is... and you're ignoring me, aren't you?

Sapphire, who had now spotted Midnight was moving towards him. There was the sound of a "whoosh" and a flash of red behind Midnight just as Sapphire stopped next to him.

Sapphire: Did you hear something behind you?

Midnight: ... Nope! Didn't hear anything! Nothing at all...

Sapphire: ... Are you sure?

Midnight: Yes...

Sapphire looked at Midnight suspiciously.

Midnight: ... Anyway... It's only thanks to you that... well... Y'know.

Sapphire: You're welcome! I'll try to help you more, if I can.

Midnight: Well... If you're going to help us, it has to be before next two weeks.

Sapphire: How come?

Midnight: They're going to launch their secret weapon on us in nine days. That's why.

Sapphire: Ah...

Mandy: ...What are you two talking about?

Sapphire: Nothing.

And so saying so, Sapphire shoved Mandy along and out of sight from Midnight.

Mandy: What was that for? I just wanted to listen to what you were saying... is that so much to ask?

Sapphire: At this point, yes.

Mandy: Why are you so serious lately? We used to have so much fun... not until "he" came to this school...

Sapphire: "He"?

Mandy: Yeah... Midnight...

Sapphire: He's just... a "friend".

Mandy: He seems more than that to me...

Sapphire: Be quiet.

Just then, the bell rang. Sapphire stopped pushing Mandy and slowly made the walk to Mrs. Fernleaf's class.


  1. WOOHOO! *Clears throat* Hehe. In my opinion... Yes, History is pretty boring to me too, heh heh. I'm glad that Sapphire is joining the team! She's my favourite UnMythic, and so far, also my favourite character :)

    1. It was bound to happen eventually! Now all they need to do is break the news to Sapphire that her... fourth cousin once removed is here...

      This should go well...
