Thursday, February 12, 2015

Ch.16 Sapphire joins the team - part.3

After all classes, Ruby and Midnight were at the gate entrance waiting for Sapphire.

Ruby: I can't believe this...

Midnight: ... Can't believe what?

Ruby: I can't believe that Sapphire... My UnMythic fourth cousin once removed, is setting foot into my Vampire Village once again... and if things go well with Grandma, she'll be on the team!

Midnight: It's going to be a little easier knowing that you don't have to hide from her anymore, either!

Ruby: Yup...

They saw Sapphire walking calmly towards them. They both waved to her and she waved back.

Ruby: Ready?

Sapphire: You bet your fang filled mouth I am!

They all headed off the main road and into the dark misty forest. After some traveling, they arrive at the Vampire Village.

Sapphire: I haven't been here for such a long time... I don't know how much has changed...

Ruby: More than you would think!

Ruby and Midnight led Sapphire down the streets and paths until they arrived at Ruby's Grandma's house. Ruby opened the door and they all stepped in.

Ruby: Home sweet home... If you want, I can get some snacks!

Sapphire: No thanks... Maybe next time.

Ruby dropped her backpack down on the floor and Fang crawled out from a small hole in the bag. Sapphire carefully looked around, remembering the fun times she used to have here. Just then, Grandma came down the stairs.

Grandma: Ah, Ruby! How was...

Grandma turned to see Sapphire.

Grandma: Sapphire! Is that you?

Sapphire: In the flesh!

Grandma walked over and hugged Sapphire. Then stepped back to look at her.

Grandma: My, how you've grown! It's been so long.

Sapphire: Too long...

Grandma: ... Why are you here?

Sapphire: For some questions I want answered.

Sapphire turned back to Ruby, Fang and Midnight.

Sapphire: Can you guys go somewhere else for a while? I only want Grandma to hear this...

Midnight shrugged and went outside. Ruby picked up Fang and followed him.

Midnight: I guess this is what she wants... If she's happy with whatever Grandma tells her, she'll join the team.

Ruby: Yeah... I guess.

Midnight: ... Were you guys close when you were younger...?

Ruby: Yup... Pretty close...

Midnight: What happened?

Ruby: Well... Eight years ago, me and Sapphire were best friends... Always playing together, eating together, and shared each others secrets...

Ruby sighed and sat down on the dark Vampire grass.

Ruby: We would visit each other every day... no matter rain, shine, or storm... There wasn't a day that went by without us seeing each other... Until...

Midnight: ... Until what?

Ruby: ... Sapphires dad died from a "sickness" one day... it was a great shock for Sapphire, and her mum... But... that's not what the worse thing that they found out that day.

Midnight: ... What was it?

Ruby: ... Sapphire's mum found out that a Vampire friend of her dad had put a poisonous powder in his food that made him him terribly sick before... you know...

Midnight: ... Wow...

Ruby: ... So Sapphire's mum never let her out of the house, or allowed me to visit since then... And when I did manage to climb through the window a few years later, Sapphire screamed at me to get out before she got some cinnamon...

Midnight: ...

Ruby: ... Well... It's just been so long since that day...

Ruby kept silent and looked at the sky. After a while, Sapphire opened the door and walked out. Ruby got up to face her.

Ruby: Got what you came for?

Sapphire: Yes. And MUCH more... I'm joining the team.

Ruby grinned at Sapphire, and she smiled back.


  1. Wow...! ...But there's something that I don't understand... Is Sapphire, and her family members, vampires or UnMythics? ...Also, Ruby is afraid of... cinnamon?

    1. EEK! maybe vampires hate cinnamon like they hate garlic! lol

    2. Sapphire's Mum is a UnMythic... but we don't know what Sapphire is... And Cinnamon is one of the Vampires weakness.

      Remember the "War Journal" and how Jerry Littlefeather said that "The captain ordered us to carve Bows from Cinnamon Trees"? (I can't be bothered to go back and read the exact words)

    3. Oh... I see... And no, I don't remember that sentence in the "War Journal". Perhaps I missed it, or perhaps I just forgot it over time. Sorry!

    4. oh, ur fine! i just forget easily.....>3<
