Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Ch.10. The Letter - part.2

After Mrs. Fernstream's class, Sapphire wandered around the halls thinking.

Sapphire: (thinking) I'm pretty sure that was Ruby... What does she want with this school? She's obviously been sent here by her Vampire Lord...

Just then, Sapphire's friend Mandy ran up to her.

Mandy (white fox): Hi Sapphire! I heard you were picked to play as Princess Lucy in "Poisoned Love"! That must be a honour!

Sapphire: Yeah, I guess.

Mandy: I also heard there was a fight in Mrs. Fernstream's class as well! Did you see who it was?

Sapphire: Nah, not really. I saw a red kangaroo fighting Richard then running away, but that's about it.

Mandy: Should we report this to Mr. Stonecloud? He did say if we saw anything strange we should tell him!

Sapphire: When did he say this?

Mandy: Yesterday morning in Mrs. Redleaf's class.

Sapphire: ... No. Someone else will tell him.

Mandy: But it isn't right keeping important information from teachers! What if we get into trouble?

Sapphire: We WON'T get into trouble. And besides, all the teachers give us H.O.M.E.W.O.R.K.

Mandy: What?

Sapphire: Hours Of My Energy Wasted On Random Knowledge. They don't deserve to know.

Sapphire and Mandy walk for a while until they crash into Mr. Stonecloud.

Mr. Stonecloud: Watch where you're going!

Sapphire: My apologies, good sir...!

Mr. Stonecloud glared at them and continued walking. Sapphire watched him leave.

Sapphire: I'll see you later Mandy... And if anyone asks where I am, tell them I'm in the main library!

Before Mandy could reply, Sapphire started following Mr. Stonecloud from a distance. She followed him into the library until he stopped at the secure part of the library. He looks around before walking passed the destroyed door. Sapphire followed him down some stairs until she found herself in the R.O.O.S.T. meeting room.

Mr. Stonecloud: Rocket, when on earth will the door be fixed? ANYONE can walk in freely and find out we're in here!

Rocket (brown raccoon): Relax, Mr. Stonecloud! Anyone in their right mind knows not to disobey your order of staying out of this part of the library! Besides, I doubt many people like to read nowadays...!

Mr Stonecloud: Let's hope so...!

Rocket: ... Was there anything you wanted of me, or did you just want to come down here for the fun of it?

Mr. Stonecloud: Of course I came down here for a reason! I wanted to ask you if you have written the letter we needed to send to Mayor Irontail!

Sapphire: (thinking) Mayor Irontail?! I wonder if she's a descendant of Captain Irontail from Jerry Littlefeather's War Journal?!

Rocket: Almost. It will be posted tonight, I guarantee it! Now, would you like to see something interesting?

Mr. Stonecloud and Rocket walked into the next room. Meanwhile, Sapphire quickly went over to the table and grabbed the letter and hid it in her pocket. As quietly as she had gotten there, she hurried out of the room and out of the library. After a while, she ran into Richard and his gang.

Richard: What is it with you kangaroos? Always causing trouble wherever you go!

Sapphire: I cause half as much trouble in a year than you cause in one afternoon I'll have you know!

Richard: You got something to say to me?

Sapphire: Yeah. Stop being like the ocean!

Richard: What have I got in common with the ocean?!

Sapphire: Well, You're both full of salt, you crash about making a lot of noise, AND you could drown a person without realising it!

Sapphire stalked pass Richard and his gang in a stormy fashion. After a while, she decided to search for Fang or Midnight.


  1. LOL! "Hours Of My Energy Wasted On Random Knowledge." I could read that a million times and still end up rolling on the floor laughing XD You're really good at rhyming and abbreviating words! I enjoy random, meaningless abbreviating sometimes, but for rhyming, I usually use a rhyming website instead, but don't always end up getting the words that I want :P

    1. I'm glad to see that you enjoy what I'm posting! :)

    2. I'm with you Twinkle! I hate homework! My old school was tough. (We learned algebra in 3rd grade. 3RD GRADE!)

      LOL I can't stop laughing

