Thursday, January 8, 2015

Ch.10. The Letter - part.3

Sapphire walked up and down the halls searching for Fang or Midnight.

Sapphire: (thinking) Well... I now know that Fang and Midnight could be in trouble. I wonder what they did with the War Journal...?

Just then, Mandy came running up to Sapphire.

Mandy: I've been looking all over for you! Where did you go?

Sapphire: I told you before I left - I was going to the library.

Mandy: Well, You never seem to read anything, so I thought you were somewhere else...!

Sapphire: I'll have you know I read!

Mandy: I've never seen you reading a book before.

Sapphire: You never seem to read any books yourself!

Mandy: Well... That's because I read them at home! And you would know that because I'm your best friend!

Sapphire: You're one of my ONLY friends.

Sapphire and Mandy kept on walking. After a while, Sapphire saw Midnight running at top speed.

Sapphire: Hey Mid...

Midnight: Sorry! Can't talk now - running for my life!

Midnight sped past Sapphire and Mandy like a slowish speeding bullet. A few seconds later, Sapphire and Mandy saw a group of girls running after him almost as quickly.

Mandy: Who's he?

Sapphire: A friend.

Mandy: He seems to be pretty popular.

Sapphire: He's only been here for a while... How could he have gained so many admirers in one day? Not many people seemed to know him yesterday...!

Mandy: Maybe he did something unthinkable?

Just then, Midnight dashed passed them again. And a few seconds later so did the girl mob. Sapphire grabbed the arm of one of the girls.

Sapphire: What's going on?

Juliet (a Tan Deer): That good-for-nothing black cat stole from us! WE WANT OUR ITEMS BACK!!!

Sapphire let go of the girl's arm and she ran after the rest of the girl mob.

Mandy: He STEALS?!

Sapphire: You were right, Mandy. He did something unthinkable!

Mandy: But stealing is wrong! What will happen to him if a teacher finds out?

Sapphire: Most likely the teachers won't find out. Even if they do, I doubt they can catch him. With speed like that, it seems like he can take care of himself!

Mandy: It isn't normal having speed like that! What if he's a Vampire?

Sapphire: A Vampire? You've been reading too many books!

Mandy: Perhaps I have...!

Midnight came rushing back again. This time he was too puffed out to go on and had to stop. Sapphire walked up to Midnight and gave him the letter she found in the R.O.O.S.T. meeting room. Midnight took a deep breath, then started running again.

Mandy: What did you give him?

Sapphire: Something important.

Mandy left it at that. The bell rang so they had to get to the next class.


  1. Hmm... I wonder why Midnight would like to steal girls' items O_O Oh well. *Starts playing dramatic music at top volume, to the point that the entire world almost turns deaf*

    1. *turns dramatic music off and takes off super ear plugs*

      Midnight has a reputation for theft and maybe he wants to enforce it in some places where they don't know him as well! :3

      *puts on super ear plugs and turns dramatic music back on*

      *waves hands around, trying to speak, but can't hear thyself and just says a bunch of blubber*
