Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Ch.6. Fang is Useful - part.3

After Mrs. Redleaf's class, Ruby and Fang start searching for Midnight.

Fang: Can I ask you something?

Ruby: No.

Fang: But we're not talking to anyone! Why can't I ask you a question?

Ruby: Fine. What do you want? And it better not be about sandwiches!

Fang: When do you think Sapphire will find us out?

Ruby:  Hopefully long enough so we can get what the Vampire Lord wants. If she does hate us as much as Grandma says, I think we might have to...

Just as Ruby and Fang turn a corner, they crash into Midnight.

Ruby: Hi again! So nice of you to run into us!

Midnight: Yeah... charmed... anyway! Have I got news for you!

Fang: You found the legendary sandwich of my dreams?

Midnight: No... I've just found out that some people speak Scottish!

Ruby: Well that's a surprise...

Ruby looked over Midnight shoulder, and stared off into the distance for a few seconds.

Ruby: ...Hey, Midnight? What would you say if I told you that I know a blue kangaroo who happens to be my fourth cousin once removed, goes to this VERY school, and hates vampires A LOT?

Midnight: I would say... meeting her is a bad idea. Why do you say that?

Ruby: What would you do if I told you that a blue kangaroo who happens to be my fourth cousin once removed, who goes to this VERY school, and hates vampires A LOT, was right behind you?

Midnight: ...I would say that we should probably get out of here.

Ruby: Fang. Do you want to be useful?

Fang: Yes!

Ruby: Even if it means sacrificing yourself?

Fang: Yes!... I mean, No!

Ruby quickly grabs Fang and throws him over to where Sapphire stood. Then Ruby and Midnight run for their lives.

Fang: Um... hey, Sapphire!

Sapphire (Blue Kangaroo): What do we have here? It seems as it a spider has escaped dreamland! And how do you know my name, oh mystical creature from beyond?

Fang: umm... You are... very popular among the dreamland creatures?

Sapphire: Is that so? I never knew I was famous in a land I did not believe in!

Fang: Well... we dreamland creatures need fairytales in order to live. And you happened to read a lot of fairytales in your spare time!

Sapphire: Last time I checked I hardly read any books... let alone remember fairytales...

Fang: Ummmm... When you were a young girl, you read all the fairytale books in your house! That's what made you so popular with us!

Sapphire: And why are you here, dream spider? Isn't dreamland good enough for you anymore?

Fang: Well... what do you have against Mythic peoples, do you want to see them all destroyed?

Sapphire: No, not at all. They have as much right to live and be happy as everyone!

Fang: Well, there is an UnMythic plan to destroy the heart of the Mythic peoples, and that plan starts from this school!  I need to know what this plan is!

Sapphire: That's shockingly terrible! I must do something to help! I think I know where this information could be. Come with me!

Sapphire picks up Fang and runs off.

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