Sunday, July 30, 2017

Silvester Skunk

Hey! I drew a purple skunk!

I like him. Don't really know what to do with him, but I like him.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Safely arrived in France

Yup. We arrived safely. Should've probably mentioned it sooner, but jet lag made me feel awful for the first day or so, and I didn't feel motivated to get on the internet until recently.

Oh well. Expect stuff to go as usual here, despite the different time change n' stuff.

Sunday, July 23, 2017


Guess what? I'm going to Europe for two months!

Yeah, I know. Surprising! But don't worry, that (theoretically) shouldn't mess with my current schedule. In fact, it may even give me more time to do stuff!

I'll let you guys know when I've arrived, and whether or not the plane crashed.
Wish us luck! Or don't... I mean, I suppose it'll be too late by the time any of you regulars see this, so... yeah. 
*Here's hoping I don't get plane sick*

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Harland in a dress

Hi, guys! Sorry I haven't been posting Short Stories lately; I've been busy with life and stuff (naturally). That, and I haven't found the inspiration to come up with something that I consider half decent...

But that doesn't mean I haven't been drawing UV at all! Here, check it out!

Harland the penguin has made an appearance again! In a dress, no less. 

I need to start posting more stuff about the UV boys... Even if it's just an art dump of sketches I've done over the week. That could be fun. And it would give me something else to post besides random pictures!

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Sleepy Polterpup

Evenin', all! So glad you could join me in this weekly ritual of sharing one of my many random pictures to the small group of people I call the public!

*AHEM*... Anyway. Behold!

Been drawing a lot of Mario related stuff lately; mostly Polterpup and the ghosts from Luigi's Mansion, I'll admit, but still.

I was quite proud on how this sketch came out, so I decided to take it a few steps further - this was the result!
... I guess I needed the practice on animals, anyway.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Irriated Ruby + Milky Q. Update

Hello! Welcome to this weeks' picture post! I'm AppleStorm, you're favorite improving artist/host, and this is what I should've posted last week instead of that less than great purple bird boy dude thing!

I was originally saving this for a short story, but decided against it in the end. Couldn't really think of, like... anything.
... Also, I wasn't in the mood for backgrounds, so... that too.

Still, it ended up pretty good!

ALSO, since I'm feeling generous on this fine night (and to make up for the lack of quality last week), I'm giving you guys two pictures!
... Yes. I'm aware I don't normally do this. Thanks for noticing!

It's a design update for Milky Quartz (Ruby and Sapphire's younger cousin), something I've been meaning to do for a looong time!
And may as well give you a little information about her too, just cuz' it's been rattling in my brain for literal months and it needs to see the light of day!

Well... She's 14, is one of the few characters I have that isn't snarky and/or sarcastic, is an only child to rich parents, and just so happens to be the only one in my entire cast of 50+ characters that has STRAIGHT HAIR.

... Okay, straightest. But my point still stands!
Anyway, that's it for real. You may leave now.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Purple Bird

Hi! Nice of you lot to drop by here for a minute! You having a good day so far? Or night?
... Morning, perhaps?
(I have no idea what time it is for you; sue me, why don't you?)

Anyway. Here's the picture!

... I'm sick. This was the best I could do under the circumstances.
On the bright side, I think I've figured out a set style for eyes! It only took like, what? Two years?
... Okay, maybe not... But lets not ruin a good story with facts, hm?

Also, it's the first of July today. I just realized that.

... Hey, I never said I was observant!