Friday, July 28, 2017

Safely arrived in France

Yup. We arrived safely. Should've probably mentioned it sooner, but jet lag made me feel awful for the first day or so, and I didn't feel motivated to get on the internet until recently.

Oh well. Expect stuff to go as usual here, despite the different time change n' stuff.


  1. Hey! I don't know if your still active or not, but I just found this blog and I think it's really cool! What art program do you use to make your comics?

    1. Yup! I am most definitely active, but at the moment exclusively to my Undercover Vamparoo stories and random weekly pictures... All comics are on hold until I can get my motivation back for them.

      I use Clip Studio Paint Pro for all my drawings and comics.

      I'm happy you think my little art corner of anthropomorphic vampire animals is cool! Feel free to join the party and stick around for more stuff like this! :)

      (Picture posts every Saturday [or Sunday, considering I'm traveling throughout Europe for a while], and short stories every blue moon or sooner)

    2. Ok, thanks! That's really helpful!
