Saturday, November 11, 2017

UV Sketches (2)

HI! Well, um... Didn't draw anything that much, but THAT'S OKAY cuz' I was at the dentist this week and felt weird for the past two days or so trying to figure out how to eat with FOUR LESS TEETH in my mouth. 

SO. Guess that means I have to show you some more of my secret doodles, instead of sending you all back in disappointment, huh? Okay. Here they are!

The R+H sketch is fairly old - a good month or two at this point - but I thought you guys might appreciate a quick moment from my favorite couple! Oh, and Harland is just being Harland up on the top right; reciting Shakespeare up to Ruby, who does not give two rolls of yarn, despite it being a weekday.

I drew the baseball Sapphire doodle this afternoon - so I was a little productive this week, but wasn't too fussed about outlining it or anythin'. Oh well. Gotta be lazy sometimes, right?

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