Saturday, November 4, 2017

Sapphire Minarel (design update)

Hiya, kids! Decided it was about time I updated Sapphire's design a little... Nothing wrong with how she originally looked, but I think these little adjustments are needed. Both for my sanity, and her heritage.

Ladies and gentlemen, introducing the teenage lady with the thoughts of a well educated sailor and puppy-therapy enthusiast~
*drum roll*


... Yup. That was basically it. More yellow hair, a fluffier tail, vague hyena patterns, and... wait, no. That was legit it.

... Did you know she's into toxicology? Yeah. Also, she quite likes marine life but is too lazy to study about it.


  1. I keep on forgetting that you draw Sapphire with yellow hair now too.
    Hyena patterns? I thought she was based off a kangaroo- is she a hyena now? Did I skip over a post about this? (idk lol)
    Yeah, she reminds me of someone who would be interested in marine life. Probably because of one point in your story. I think..?

    1. Yeah, I need to draw my crazy kid more often...

      FINALLY! I thought someone would NEVER ask! Yes, Sapphire is still a kangaroo, but now with 33% hyena genetics! Mother was a 'roo, father was a hyena. (That's why she's so floofy) The dad's dead, but she takes after him in appearance quite a bit.

      Yup! Imma' see if I can bring that back the 'second time round. I liked the idea of her being an epic ocean explorer, and besides, it gives us an excuse to dive deeper into Meeron culture and stuff! <3
