Saturday, October 28, 2017

Storm Mage

'Ello, chaps! Fancy meeting you all here on this glorious night! I'd offer you something to drink, but I'm not capable of phasing beverages through my side of the screen to wherever all you crazily delightful people are.

So instead, I shall show you this a-wonderful piece of art! My recent creation!

I dub it, STORM MAGE!

And now I remember why I don't draw grass in great detail. It takes FOREVER. And as we know, forever is a very long time.
... But the lightning sure looks cool, huh? I must admit, I kinda got a little carried away with drawing it, but never-mind; still looks pretty good, if I do say so myself.


  1. Ooh yeah dude, the lightning looks cool! It looks like it's glowing! :D
    Whenever I draw grass, I try to make it look good and semi-realistic at first, but I give up on trying so hard when I'm halfway through. Having to draw each blade of grass, and then the lighting and shading.. welp, that's a lot of effort.

    1. Indeedy! Ah, I was (and still am) so proud of this magnificent piece~
