Saturday, October 14, 2017

"I swear, Fang..."

Afternoon, folks! Finally, after... 7 weeks...? Yeah, after seven weeks of delightfully colourful master-pieces, we finally have another Short Story! Unfortunately, I had to move it to be a SNP, but that's besides the point!

"I swear, Fang, if I catch a cold from this, consider yourself dead to me."

"Actually, you don't get colds from getting wet or from the air temperature, you get sick from viruses that-"

"Don't make me put you in the bag, mister."

 Pretty short. Then again, not much else needs to be added. It's already pretty self explanatory, I think... Ruby's going out in a thunderstorm for some *ahem* apparently stupid reason (probably Fang wanted some fresh bread or something), and she's complaining bitterly at why she takes the time to look after the likes of him in the first place.

... I thought it was kinda funny. Needed the practice for rain, in any case. And Ruby sure looks snazzy in that raincoat! 

(I also finally figured out how to draw bags without making them look stupid. I haven't been able to stop adding them into pictures since.)


  1. I like how you drew the background and bag. :)

    1. Thank you! I'm quite proud of the bag myself. The lightning also came out pretty good, too!

      Thunder n' lightning, very very frightening~

    2. Oh yeah haha, I like the background mostly because of the lightning! It looks bright and it contrasts the dark rainy sky. Looks very much like lightning- and yes, very frightening. :D
