Saturday, October 21, 2017

Eel-like creature mermaid girl thing

HI GUYS! Guess what? I MADE A THING!

... Seriously, though, what is this? Don't get me wrong, it looks GOOD, whatever it is, but I have like... no idea what I've made. A fish monster? Eel mermaid? Hybrid sea-creautre?
... Well, it fits in with the theme of the month, in any case. That's a start, right?

 BTW, expect an UV picture in the next week or so, depending on how much stuff I want on my plate. Ruby related. Ah, that youthful ray of sarcastic sunshine. <3


  1. Ooh, I like it! It looks like a sea creature with a mermaid or eel tail to me. :)

    1. Glad you liked it! Your comments are much appreciated, by the way <3

    2. No problem! I like the art you come with. <3
      I don't like comment sections being empty all the time, and commenting makes me feel good, so why not. I don't want you to feel like nobody is interested in the ideas in your story/ies and the art that you make along with it.. because I think it's cool and interesting. :')

    3. You and me both! But you actually have the guts to do something about it... I just mentally cheer you on and applaud at your works of fine poetry and weirdly amusing skits.

      You're awesome. Keep on keeping on! :)

    4. (Forgot to actually reply something~)

      Ahh haha, thanks! <3
