Saturday, May 5, 2018

Snowy Forest of Doom

Sooo, I DID actually draw a lot of OverKill stuff this week, BUT it was all on paper... *Shrugs* Can't control when you do amazing, I guess.

Anyway! I like how the scarf came out in this. Boots, too! Hat's not too bad, either.

... Tryin' to figure out a way to get hyped up about drawing some more UV. Cause' I REALLY love my characters! The grumpy red kangaroo witch, the cross-dressing green penguin of awesomeness, the cheetah king thief and his over-dramatic Scottish wolf body-guard that can kick down steel doors, the kangaroo-hyena hybrid that will punch someone in the face for the sake of peace...
And need I mention Fang?
Seriously, I love them all so much! And I have so many ideas and plans for them but I just can't seem to FOCUS on them!
It's an issue I really need to figure out at one point, If I'm gonna be drawin' comics of 'em and stuff.


  1. Oh, I like the trees in the background. Their tail and scarf look cute.
