Saturday, August 4, 2018

DeathDancer Dailies

We're going to ignore the fact that the title for this post sounds like the name of a newspaper brand  and just move right along to the two pictures I've decided to end up sharing with you guys.
... Also to note that I've been incredibly productive in terms of sketching, doodling, and story-developing, which is pretty impressive seeing my usual attention span, but that's besides the point.

(I would've outlined them if I had the time, patience, or attention, but as it is I've left these two just as I originally made them)

Just some fun little drawings of the DeathDancer Family... Harland dropping Alexis off at high school, and Ruby making sure her boys get to their separate destinations without too much trouble...
Ah, Ruby's such a good mother (despite what literally everyone else would've originally thought)

... That's it tonight. Too lazy to add any other comment or rant or stuff...
 I guess I'll see you guys next week. :)


  1. DeathDancer Dailies sounds like a good newspaper. (Now I'm imagining you drawing Ruby delivering newspapers- Ruby the delivery kangaroo~! lol)

    Ah, so the next generation!

    1. *PFFT* OKAY HOLD THE PHONE I'mma go off and draw Ruby the delivery roo' NEWSPAPER GIRL EXTRAORDINAIRE!
      (You've given me so many ideas in that one sentence CPups you have NO idea - THANK YOU SO MUCH!)

      Yup! All the weird hybrid monster children! XD

    2. Ooh, now I'm excited to see your art of Ruby the delivery 'roo! XD omg I feel honored!

      All the kiddos~
