Saturday, August 18, 2018


 Why, hello there! Fancy meeting you all here! :)
Been playing a lotta Splatoon this week. Haven't done much of that in a while, so it was definitely a nice change; just explodin' peoples faces in and fighting the fish apocalypse... Y'know, standard stuff.

 Well anyway - I came up with this quick little drawing of Reginald (8yrs old) because... well, because I could, I guess. I don't need a reason to draw my own friggin' characters now, do I?
He's too adorable and stupid to be kept from you guys anyway SO HERE TAKE HIM-

D A N G, I just realized what a nice kilt Reginald has! :)
Curse that BLEEDIN SWORD though...


  1. Aww, I really like how Reginald (Reggi boi- I like that!) looks here. The eyes, the outfit, the tail ~ <3
