Saturday, October 13, 2018

Rex the Fox

Evening, gents!
You all well? All healthy? Happy? Relaxed? Overly-anxious about the coming morning?
Well, that's okay because I've got a little something I wanna show you all! :)

This is Rex, a magical two-tailed fox and adopted son to Midnight.
His friends include a small ax-wielding bear-mouse girl and a flamboyant cockatoo known mostly as "that utter brat with the siren voice" and "Flavio", but apart from them he doesn't often reveal himself to anyone...

Because of Rex's Kitsune genes, he can change his appearance, turn himself and other objects invisible, and while he can't LITERALLY transform his body (because he isn't a true kitsune, not to mention too young) he's got some pretty good illusionist tricks (if his imagination is willing).

Rex's relationship with his 'father' (if you can call Midnight that) is pretty good, as they both like visiting neighboring castles and kingdoms so they can steal the cutlery and move invisible chairs out into the middle of crowded rooms and stuff [much to Ruby's irritation].

And that golden orb 'round his neck? I'm thinking he got that from his father when his mother died; possible the only thing left of her, so he treasures it a lot.
Like, A LOT.
So don't even think about taking it from him!
An experience you probably wont live long enough to regret...


  1. :O Midnight's adopted son?! Ooh--!
    And he has invisibility and illusionist powers? And he has a good relationship with Midnight? And he has a previous golden orb? Hmm yeah of course I love Rex too. I really like this drawing. <3

    (I first read this post a few days ago, but I couldn't think of what to say. This comment isn't worded any good though, haha.)

    1. Thanks! And that's okay~ You don't have to feel pressured to say anything, CPups! Just you letting me know you like some of my pictures is good enough for me! :)
