Saturday, October 27, 2018

Wet Sapphire...

And here's yet ANOTHER UV picture I've managed to draw!
Wow... I've been really productive lately, haven't I?
I mean nothing wrong with my other random sketches, but BOY is it nice drawing some UV for a change! :)

Just a little Sapphire scene; waiting for her ride back home after a rather unsatisfying day at the beach.
Cold, wet, probably hungry, kinda tired, and less than thrilled to be hanging out in a chilly breeze... *sigh*.


  1. I like the background here, especially that ocean. Cool surfboard too. :)
    Sapphire looks different. Maybe it's just how you draw the eyes? Anyway, I like how I can see her emotions through her eyes. She looks disappointed and a little sad.
    Poor Saffy :c

    1. Noice! Glad the background paid off!(I had a lot of fun with the sand and ocean.. and of course the surfboard) :)

      Poor Saffy indeed... </3

    2. It sure did! Oh yeah, I like how you did the sand too. :p
