Hey guys! Normally in circumstances like these I'd apologize and briefly spew out some excuse or other for my reasons for not drawing some high-quality art or whatever to show you guys tonight, but not only am I 100% okay with this, I think some of you will be very pleased to hear what I've been up to! :D
To put it simply, I've started trying to draw comics again! Something I haven't done since 2016.
But as a result of this new-found passion, I've literally done nothing else productive this week...
Like. At all.
It's a pretty fair trade though, all things considered, but I still wanted to share something you guys. (y'know, in case someone would've been disappointed)
And, uh... this was a thing, so... Yeah. Why not?
Yeah. I made this weird 70's cyber mermaid monstrosity waaaaay back in May 2018, and uh... never really posted it.
It was totally intentional as well, which makes me kinda sad. Because looking back on this piece almost a year later, I actually kinda like it now? I mean, the hands definitely could use some work, and the clothing is kinda off... but the colours are still pretty pleasing to look at! Background isn't half-bad either, which is kinda shocking considering how little effort I put into it originally..
But anyway! So if everything goes well, by the time next week comes around I should have a very sketchy comic of UV to share with you guys!
*crosses fingers*