Saturday, February 16, 2019

Reverse Sapphire (3)

Hey there! Figured it was about time I drew Sapphire in her opposite colours again.. Y'know, to check how far my art has progressed since last time!
Good chance to do some experimenting, too.

Gonna just sign off and get my dinner before it gets too late. Can't be bothered coming up with anything interesting to say, anyway...
See you guys next week! :)


  1. Something about the art style in this one looks different than in your other drawings. Maybe it's the black line-art..? I still like it though lol. I like her outfit. Reverse Sapphire looks pretty cool, I have to say. :)

    Questions: Is her mouth blue? Is she standing in front of a graffiti-covered wall? Does it say "storm" up top, and is that an apple in the lower left corner? Any reason behind those things? lol it's ok if there isn't any; I'm just curious.

    1. Ah, someone noticed! Yes, I did a bit of experimenting with the line-art; I wanted to see how quickly and painlessly I could do it while still making it look good. All the while doing it on a smaller canvas.
      Also I had a little shading experiment, so that might have something to do with it as well! :)

      Yes, Sapphire's mouth is blue. Cuz' that's the opposite colour of what her mouth would normally look like (IE redy-pink. The reasoning behind this colour-scheme for Sapphire is pretty complicated, but that wasn't the question so I'll leave it be XD)

      Yep! Yes and Yes.. And no particular reason. Other than a cool way of sorta inserting my signature without actually doing it. :)

    2. Yeah, and after I commented, I realized there also is a white outline, so that might be why too. It really makes the image "pop".
      Then I found your two older versions of Reverse Sapphire. Wow, she looked so different. I definitely see that art improvement, haha.

      Oh, that makes sense! So you were including her mouth for using the opposite colors from her regular version. I think it's cool that her mouth is also blue.

      Aha, so it was an apple! Oh wow pfft, that makes sense. Can't believe I haven't realized it. Well, that's a creative way to insert your signature. I like it.
