Saturday, July 27, 2019

Vampic Castle

It's that time again folks - another minute of awesome artwork from the vast archives of AppleStorm!

Got given Dracula to read a few weeks ago and I've almost finished it, and as a result I've had a fair few Vampire thoughts (even more so than usual) and it's bleeded over to my art a bit.. heh.

I kinda just had fun with the dude in this pic, not really caring if it made sense or not. Background was more or less make-it-up-as-I-go-along too, although it took a few tries until I was happy with it... but when I outlined it I was pretty proud of it! :)

Dunno what I'm gonna do now... probably go get some dinner and maybe find some anime or movie to watch. Hm...
*Waves goodbye and proceeds to exit the building*


  1. Nice. Love the vampire essence. What a vampire dude we have here in this picture. I like the background and the character's glowing red eyes. >:)

    (I think I was close to reading Dracula for a class, but we never actually got to read it. idk what happened. uh..)

    *publishes this comment and leaves in shame because of my bad quality comment*

    1. Thank ye!

      (Aw, shame. Well, if you ever get the urge or have nothing better to do, Dracula is actually a legit good book to read. Not that scary in all honesty, but it's got good suspense! ... even if we already know how it ends. *eyeroll* Thanks pop culture.)
