Saturday, July 13, 2019

Werewolf Kid Redraw

Heya. You guys doing alright? Well, I'm pretty good at the moment. Managed to get a fair bit done this week; lil' bit of sewing, some embroidery, fair bit of drawing (especially UV).. even managed to sneak in a few hours of Splatoon2! Twas good.

 I did a piece waaay back in 2015, almost 4 years ago I think, about some kinda werewolf kid and his cat companion running from an angry mob.
I think I've improved a bit since then, don't you?
( Redrew from > THIS < )


And in other news I got a new laptop. Which means all my settings and brushes and preferences and stuff in CSP have been reversed again... which then means I'll have to fix it again.
*Shrug* At least it's motivating me to draw more stuff - because you can't fix something you haven't tested yet! And besides, I got like 20 new default brushes to try out, so that gives me something fun to play with! :)


  1. Oh wow, look at that art improvement! Your art style changed so much since then.
    So you also sew and do embroidery? Huh, that sounds amazing. You're awesome.

    (I can't remember when I started commenting on here but that old post is from 2015, so I guess I was here since then. I don't remember anything from 2015, yikes..)

    1. Haha, yeah! Younger me would've been blown out of their mind if they could see what I can do now! XD
      Yea! I may not do it as much as I draw, but hey! They're hobbies. :)

      (Me neither. But then again, I can't remember what I ate for lunch last week, so I guess I'm not surprised.. Still pretty cool, though.)

    2. Haha, I bet! That's cool. :)
