Saturday, August 3, 2019


 Hello, guys! It's August now! Nice. Just a few more weeks until September. And then October. And November.

Also, I've decided to write a sequel to Dracula.
Was this well a thought out decision? Nope. Will this end up becoming a fun over glorified fanfic about stupid kids in a world where Vampires exist? You bet. Am I likely to do anything with it if I even finish it? Probably not.
I just really like Vampires and have a burning desire to see what happens to Quincy Harker once he's all grown up and stuff.

So if I decide to shift my focus on writing instead of drawing for a bit, you'll at least be prepared for it.. now that you know what I'm thinking...

*It's been ages since I've last written anything down.. MMM okay yeah no I can still do this! Course I can. BRING IT ON BRAIN I dare you to try and interfere with my plans!*


  1. Oops, I haven't been checking your blog for the past few weeks. Sorry about that, Applestorm.

    This character is cute. Dalmatian, right? (that took me forever to spell correctly, pfft). I like the spots too, haha. And that outfit? I like that a lot too. Especially the skirt and the hair bow. :)

    1. That's okay! I know you've been busy, and I haven't exactly been keeping up with your stuff either. It's fine! <3

      Yea! I'm actually pretty happy you could tell she was a dalmatian. Pepper's outfit is super fun to draw - hairbows, turtleneck sweater, tartan skirt.. everything. :)

    2. Oh ok! ^-^'

      Yeah, it wasn't that hard for me to figure out. Pepper looks like a dog, and she's black and white and has spots. So a Dalmatian fits that description. She has a cute outfit. :)

      I also like the background and how it shifts from being dark in one corner to light in the opposite one.
